Examples - Teradata Database

SQL Data Manipulation Language

Teradata Database
Release Number
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata® Database

Example : LOCKING Request Modifier

The following LOCKING clause can be used to select data from the employee table while it is being modified:

     LOCKING TABLE personnel.employee FOR ACCESS
     SELECT name, salary 
     FROM employee 
     WHERE salary < 25000 ;

The query results may:

  • Return rows whose data can be updated or deleted an instant later by a concurrent operation initiated by another user who has obtained a WRITE lock.
  • Omit rows that are undergoing a concurrent insert operation.
  • Include rows that were not permanently inserted in the base table, because a transaction inserting the new rows was aborted and the new rows were backed out.
  • Example : LOCKING Request Modifier and Secondary Indexes

    The system synchronizes base data rows and index subtable rows. However, an ACCESS lock can allow inconsistent results even when secondary indexes are used in conditional expressions because index constraints are not always rechecked against the data row.

    For example, a column named qualify_accnt is defined as a secondary index for a base table named accnt_rec, as in the following request:

         LOCKING TABLE accnt_rec FOR ACCESS
         SELECT accnt_no, qualify_accnt 
         FROM accnt_rec 
         WHERE qualify_accnt = 1587;

    The request could return:

         accnt_no     qualify_accnt 
         ‑‑‑‑-‑‑‑     -‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑
             1761              4214

    In this case, the value 1587 was found in the secondary index subtable and the corresponding data row was selected and returned. However, the data for account 1761 had been changed by another user while the retrieval was in process. This is referred to as a dirty read. See SQL Request and Transaction Processing.

    Anomalous results like these are possible even if the data is changed only momentarily by a transaction that is ultimately aborted. The ACCESS lock is most useful to those who simply want an overview of data and are not concerned with consistency.

    Example : LOCKING ROW

    This example shows the proper use of a rowhash lock.

         CREATE TABLE customer (
           cust_id INTEGER,
           phone   INTEGER, 
           fax     INTEGER, 
           telex   INTEGER) 
         PRIMARY INDEX (cust_id), 
         UNIQUE INDEX(fax), 
         CREATE TABLE sales (
           custcode INTEGER, 
           zip      INTEGER, 
           salesvol INTEGER);

    User A:

         SELECT phone 
         FROM customer 
         WHERE cust_id=12345;
         UPDATE customer 
         SET phone=3108292488 
         WHERE cust_id=12345;

    The User A EXCLUSIVE rowhash lock prevents another user from accessing the same row.

    In the following, the user A rowhash WRITE lock, in conjunction with LOCKING TABLE, prevents user B from accessing the same row:

    User A:

         LOCKING TABLE sales FOR READ, 
         SELECT telex 
         FROM customer 
         WHERE fax=0;
         UPDATE customer 
         SET telex=0 
         WHERE fax=0;
         SELECT zip 
         FROM sales 
         WHERE custcode=111;
         SELECT salesvol 
         FROM sales 
         WHERE custcode=222;

    User B:

         SELECT * 
         FROM customer 
         WHERE cust_id=12345
         INSERT INTO customer (12345, 3108284422, 3108684231, 5555);

    The User B LOCKING ROW FOR WRITE modifier waits until the User A transaction ends before it can be completed.

    Example : NOWAIT Option

    You have a request that you do not want to be placed in the lock queue if it cannot be serviced immediately. In this case, use the NOWAIT option. For example:

         LOCKING employee FOR READ NOWAIT
         SELECT employee_number,  last_name
         FROM employee
         WHERE department_number=401;
         *** Failure 7423 Object already locked and NOWAIT.
                Transaction Aborted. Statement# 1, Info =0

    Another request had employee locked, so you must resubmit the request.

         LOCKING employee FOR READ NOWAIT
         SELECT employee_number, last_name
         FROM employee
         WHERE department_number=401;
          *** Query completed. 7 rows found. 2 columns returned. 
          *** Total elapsed time was 1 second.
         employee_number  last_name 
         ---------------  --------------------
                    1003  Trader 
                    1004  Johnson 
                    1013  Phillips 
                    1002  Brown 
                    1010  Rogers 
                    1022  Machado 
                    1001  Hoover 

    This time, no locks were being held on employee, so the request completed successfully.

  • SQL Request and Transaction Processing
  • Teradata Archive/Recovery Utility Reference
  • Utilities