pmddamt.h - Access Module

Teradata® Tools and Utilities Access Module Programmer Guide

Access Module
Release Number
June 2022
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

This header file shows structure and symbol definitions required to interface with the Teradata PT DataConnector operator or an Access Module.

/* % TITLE pmddamt.h ... Device Dependent Access module structs/types       */
/*                                                                          */
/*  Copyright 1997-2014,2018,2020 Teradata Corporation. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.*/
/*  Teradata Corporation CONFIDENTIAL AND TRADE SECRET                      */
/*  This copyrighted material is the Confidential, Unpublished              */
/*  Property of the Teradata Corporation.  This copyright notice            */
/*  and any other copyright notices included in machine readable            */
/*  copies must be reproduced on all authorized copies.                     */
/*                                                                          */
/* CRITICAL USAGE NOTE:                                                     */
/*  This header file is to be the EXACT same file for both SA & TPT.        */
/*  The cooresponding versions in /vob/tdcli & /vob/paralx must match       */
/*  The identiy will insure that the same access module will work with      */
/*  the standalone utilities AND the TPT DC oeprator                        */
/*                                                                          */
/* History Information                                                      */
/*                                                                          */
/*                      JIRA                                                */
/* Revision    Date     ISSUE    DID      Comments                          */
/* ----------- -------- -------- -------- -----------------------           */
/* 05122020 SA52533  HM186000 Merge/Sync Access Module Header   */
/*                                        Files From TPT DC                 */
/* 08202018 SA50999  HM186000 Dataconnector and Axsmod's need to*/
/*                                        support any length access module  */
/*                                        init string                       */
/* 06122014 SA33970  HM186000 Merge/Sync Access Module Header   */
/*                                        Files From TPT                    */
/* 27072012 SA3822   HM186000 PIOM porting on Mac OS            */
/*                                                                          */
/*                      DR/#                                                */
/* Revision    Date     DCR    DID    Comments                              */
/* ----------- -------- -----  ------ -----------------------               */
/* 12032010 141568 MN7    Win64bit PIOM to handle alignment     */
/* 11292010 143378 TWB    Expand filename size                  */
/* 08272008 115918 TWB    IBM compiler.  Changes                */
/*                                    courtesy ASG & DEH                    */
/* 06262007 100091 TWB    Common AM headers                     */
/* 01062006 100716 TWB    Timeout support (added header ID)     */
/* 06242005  94488 CSG    Port to HP-Itanium                    */
/* 04292004  68938 TWB    AIX packing                           */
/* 04212004  86512 TWB    Update version id                     */
/* 11142002  65685 TRV    pack 1 avoided for Win64 platform     */
/* 11072002  64602 TWB    Add header version Ids                */
/* 09022002  64540 TRV    Changes for NPAM C++ compilation      */
/* 08272002  63707 TWB    Copyright Notice                      */
/* 07182002  58762 TRV    HPUX 64-bit Porting                   */
/* 07042002  58755 TRV    SOLARIS SPARC 64-bit Porting          */
/* 07012002  58754 TRV    Native 64-bit Client Support          */
/* 02152001  53279 CSG    Port DATACON to AIX                   */
/* 02132001  53280 CSG    Port DATACON to HPUX                  */
/* 11142000  52214 CSG    To support Solaris C++ compilation    */
/* 05051999  46309 TWB    Up error text length from 512 to 32000*/
/* 07121998  42617 TWB    Included CPP extern for PIDMMain      */
/* 05291998  42617 TWB    Initial externalization of API        */
/*                                                                          */

#ifndef PMDDAMT_H
#define PMDDAMT_H

/* DR 58755, DR 58762  --> */

#if defined(HPUX) && defined(PIOM64) && !defined(HPUX_IA64) /*DR94488*/
   #ifdef __cplusplus                    /* DR 64540 --> */
      #define pmddamt_packing "pack 8"                                   /* 86512 */
      #pragma pack 8 
      /*#define pmddamt_packing "HP_ALIGN NATURAL PUSH"*/         /*86512#SA33970*/
      /*#pragma HP_ALIGN NATURAL PUSH */                                /*SA33970*/
   #endif                                /* DR 64540 <-- */
#elif defined(HPUX_IA64) && defined(PIOM64)   /* DR 94488 --> */
   #define pmddamt_packing "pack(8)"
   #pragma pack(8)                               /* DR 94488 <-- */
#elif defined(SOLARIS) && defined(PIOM64)
   #define pmddamt_packing "pack(8)"                                  /* 86512 */
   #pragma pack(8)
#elif defined (AIX)                                                /* 68938 */
   #define pmddamt_packing "options align=packed"                    /*TPT21117*/
   #pragma options align=packed                                       /* 68938 */
#elif defined(__MVS__)                                            /* 115918 */
   #pragma pack(packed)                                              /* 115918 */
   #define pmddamt_packing "pack(packed)"                            /* 115918 */
#elif !defined(HPUX) && !defined(SOLARIS)                         /* 115918 */\
      && !defined(_WIN64) && !defined(__APPLE__) /* DRs: 53279, 53280, 52214, 65685,SA3822 */
   #define pmddamt_packing "pack (push, 1)"                           /* 86512 */
   #pragma pack (push, 1)
#elif defined(_WIN64)                                              /*141568*/
   #define pmddamt_packing "pack (push, 1)"                         /*TPT21117*/
   #pragma pack (push, 1)                                             /*141568*/
#endif                                                             /*141568*/

#if !defined (pmddamt_packing)                                     /* 64602 */
   #define pmddamt_packing "none"                                     /* 86512 */
#endif                                                             /* 64602 */

/* DR 58755, DR 58762 <-- */

#define pmddamt_HeaderVersion "Common"         /* SRC_ID SA52533 */
#define pmddamt_ID "pmddamt header version '" pmddamt_HeaderVersion \
 "', packing '" pmddamt_packing "'"
/* DR 58754 --> */

#ifdef PIOM64
#define pmiInterfaceVersion   2001
#define pmiInterfaceVersion   2000

/* DR 58754 <-- */

#define pmiMAX_EC_LEN        30
/*                                EyeCatcher strings for each structure type */
#define pmiEC_CmdBlock_t    "AXSMOD block:CmdBlock_t"
#define pmiEC_Init_t        "AXSMOD block:Init_t"
#define pmiEC_Open_t        "AXSMOD block:Open_t"
#define pmiEC_Close_t       "AXSMOD block:Close_t"
#define pmiEC_RW_t          "AXSMOD block:RW_t"
#define pmiEC_Pos_t         "AXSMOD block:Pos_t"
#define pmiEC_Shut_t        "AXSMOD block:Shut_t" 
#define pmiEC_ID_t          "AXSMOD block:ID_t"
#define pmiEC_Attr_t        "AXSMOD block:Attr_t"

#define pmiMAX_INIT_STR_LEN 512
#define pmiMAX_FNAME_LEN    32767                                  /* 143378 */
#define pmiMAX_ETEXT_LEN    32000                                /* DR 46309 */

/*                               the following defines are required only for */
/*                              communications between the DIAM and the DDAM */
#define pmiPIDMOptInit     1 
#define pmiPIDMOptOpen     2
#define pmiPIDMOptClose    3
#define pmiPIDMOptCloseR   10
#define pmiPIDMOptRead     4
#define pmiPIDMOptWrite    5
#define pmiPIDMOptGetPos   6
#define pmiPIDMOptSetPos   7
#define pmiPIDMOptShut     8
#define pmiPIDMOptID       9
#define pmiPIDMOptGetA_A   11
#define pmiPIDMOptGetF_A   12
#define pmiPIDMOptPutA_A   13
#define pmiPIDMOptPutF_A   14

typedef struct _pmiInit
 char      EyeCatcher[pmiMAX_EC_LEN];   /* Struct eyecatcher string */
 pmUInt32  StructLength;                /* Length of this structure */
 void     *PIData;           /* Access module Internal Data Pointer */
 pmUInt16  InterfaceVerNo;          /* pmdcomt.h version identifier */
 pmUInt16  InterfaceVerNoD;         /* pmddamt.h version identifier */
 pmUInt32  ClientIDL;                   /* Length of ClientID field */
 pmUInt32  InitStrL;                     /* Length of InitStr field */
 char      ClientID[pmMAX_CLIENT_ID+1];        /* Client identifier */
 char      InitStr[pmiMAX_INIT_STR_LEN+1];  /* Initialization field */
 pmUInt32  NewInitStrL;              /* Length of new InitStr field *//*SA50999*/
 char     *NewInitStr;                  /* New initialization field *//*SA50999*/
} pmiInit_t;

typedef struct _pmiOpen
 char         EyeCatcher[pmiMAX_EC_LEN];        /* Struct eyecatcher string */
 pmUInt32     StructLength;                     /* Length of this structure */
 void        *PIData;                /* Access module Internal Data Pointer */
 pmOpenMode_t OpenMode;                                 /* provided to PIDM */
 pmUInt16     BlkHeaderLen;                              /* defined by PIDM */
 pmUInt32     BlkSize;                                   /* defined by PIDM */
 void        *FIData;         /* File Internal Data (returned/used by PIDM) */
 pmUInt16     FileNameL;                                /* provided to PIDM */
 char         FileName[pmiMAX_FNAME_LEN+1];             /* provided to PIDM */
} pmiOpen_t;

typedef struct _pmiClose
  char      EyeCatcher[pmiMAX_EC_LEN];   /* Struct eyecatcher string */
  pmUInt32  StructLength;                /* Length of this structure */
  void     *FIData;
} pmiClose_t;

typedef struct _pmiRW
  char      EyeCatcher[pmiMAX_EC_LEN];   /* Struct eyecatcher string */
  pmUInt32  StructLength;                /* Length of this structure */
  void     *FIData;
  pmUInt32  BufferLen;
  char     *Buffer;
} pmiRW_t;

typedef struct _pmiPos
  char      EyeCatcher[pmiMAX_EC_LEN];   /* Struct eyecatcher string */
  pmUInt32  StructLength;                /* Length of this structure */
  void     *FIData;
  pmPos_t   Position;
} pmiPos_t;

typedef struct _pmiShut
  char      EyeCatcher[pmiMAX_EC_LEN];   /* Struct eyecatcher string */
  pmUInt32  StructLength;                /* Length of this structure */
  void     *PIData;
  pmUInt16  Mode;
} pmiShut_t;

typedef struct _pmiID
  char       EyeCatcher[pmiMAX_EC_LEN];   /* Struct eyecatcher string */
  pmUInt32   StructLength;                /* Length of this structure */
  pmVerLst_t VerIDList;
} pmiID_t;

typedef struct _pmiAttribute
  char      EyeCatcher[pmiMAX_EC_LEN];   /* Struct eyecatcher string */
  pmUInt32  StructLength;                /* Length of this structure */
  void     *ObjData;            /* Object pointer (PIData or FIData) */
  pmUInt32  AttrNameLen;                 /* Length of attribute name */
  char      AttrName[pmMAX_ATR_NAME_LEN];         /* Attrribute name */
  pmUInt32  AttrValueLen;               /* Length of attribute value */
  char      AttrValue[pmMAX_ATR_VAL_LEN];         /* Attribute value */
} pmiAttr_t;

typedef struct _pmiCmdBlock
  char           EyeCatcher[pmiMAX_EC_LEN]; /* Struct eyecatcher string */
  pmUInt32       StructLength;              /* Length of this structure */
  pmUInt32       Reqtype;
  pmReturnType   Retcode;                                /* set by DDAM */
  pmTrceLvl_t    TraceLvl;
  pmNameBuf_t    ErrMsg;       /* Set by DDAM if retcode is pmrcFailure */
} pmiCmdBlock_t;

#ifdef WIN32
#ifdef CPP
extern "C"
       __declspec(dllexport) void PIDMMain ( pmiCmdBlock_t *, void * );
__declspec(dllexport) void PIDMMain ( pmiCmdBlock_t *, void * );
void PIDMMain ( pmiCmdBlock_t *, void * );

/* DR 58755, 58762 --> */

#if defined(HPUX) && defined(PIOM64) && !defined(HPUX_IA64) /*DR94488*/
   #ifdef __cplusplus                     /* DR 64540 --> */
      #pragma pack 
      /*#pragma HP_ALIGN POP */                                        /*TPT21117*/
   #endif                                 /* DR 64540 <-- */
#elif defined(HPUX_IA64) && defined(PIOM64)   /* DR 94488 --> */
   #pragma pack()                                /* DR 94488 <-- */
#elif defined(SOLARIS) && defined(PIOM64)
   #pragma pack()
#elif defined (AIX)                                                /* 68938 */
   #pragma options align=reset                                        /* 68938 */
#elif defined(__MVS__)                                            /* 115918 */
   #pragma pack(reset)                                               /* 115918 */
#elif !defined(HPUX) && !defined(SOLARIS)                         /* 115918 */\
      && !defined(_WIN64) && !defined(__APPLE__) /* DRs: 53279, 53280, 52214, 65685,SA3822 */
   #pragma pack (pop)
#elif defined(_WIN64)                                             /* 141568 */
   #pragma pack (pop)                                                /* 141568 */
#endif                                                            /* 141568 */

/* DR 58755, 58762 <-- */

#endif /* PMDDAMT_H */