Return Codes | SQL Fundamentals | Teradata Vantage - Return Codes - Advanced SQL Engine - Teradata Database

SQL Fundamentals

Advanced SQL Engine
Teradata Database
Release Number
June 2020
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Vantage™

SQL return codes provide information about the status of a completed executable SQL DML statement.

Status Variables for Receiving SQL Return Codes

ANSI/ISO SQL defines two status variables for receiving return codes:

SQLCODE is not ANSI/ISO SQL-compliant. The ANSI/ISO SQL-92 standard explicitly deprecates SQLCODE, and the ANSI/ISO SQL-99 standard does not define SQLCODE. The ANSI/ISO SQL committee recommends that new applications use SQLSTATE in place of SQLCODE.

The database defines a third status variable for receiving the number of rows affected by an SQL statement in a stored procedure:

Teradata SQL defines a non-ANSI/ISO SQL Communications Area (SQLCA) that also has a field named SQLCODE for receiving return codes.

Exception and Completion Conditions

ANSI/ISO SQL defines two categories of conditions that issue return codes:
  • Exception conditions
  • Completion conditions

Exception Conditions

An exception condition indicates a statement failure.

A statement that raises an exception condition does nothing more than return that exception condition to the application.

There are as many exception condition return codes as there are specific exception conditions.

Completion Conditions

A completion condition indicates statement success.

There are three categories of completion conditions:
  • Successful completion
  • Warnings
  • No data found

A statement that raises a completion condition can take further action such as querying the database and returning results to the requesting application, updating the database, initiating an SQL transaction, and so on.

Completion Condition SQLSTATE Return Code SQLCODE Return Code
Success '00000' 0
Warning '01901' 901
'01800' to '01841' 901
'01004' 902
No data found '02000' 100

Return Codes for Stored Procedures

The return code values are different in the case of SQL control statements in stored procedures.

The return codes for stored procedures appear in the following table.

Completion Condition SQLSTATE Return Code SQLCODE Return Code
Successful completion '00000' 0
Warning SQLSTATE value corresponding to the warning code. Database warning code.
No data found or any other Exception SQLSTATE value corresponding to the error code. Database error code.

How an Application Uses SQL Return Codes

An application program or stored procedure tests the status of a completed executable SQL statement to determine its status.

Condition Action
Successful completion None.
Warning The statement execution continues.

If a warning condition handler is defined in the application, the handler executes.

No data found or any other exception Whatever appropriate action is required by the exception.

If an EXIT handler is defined for the exception, the statement execution terminates.

If a CONTINUE handler is defined, execution continues after the remedial action.

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