Spare Columns - Advanced SQL Engine - Teradata Database

Resource Usage Macros and Tables

Advanced SQL Engine
Teradata Database
Release Number
July 2021
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Vantageā„¢

The ResUsageSvpr table spare fields are named Spare00 through Spare29, and SpareInt.

The SpareInt field has a 32-bit internal resolution while all other spare fields have a 64-bit internal resolution. All spare fields default to count but can be converted to min, max, or track mode fields if needed when they are used.

Column Name Mode Description Data Type
Spare00 - Spare02 count Reserved for future use. FLOAT
Spare03 count

Number of spool data segments that were forced to change their age to ageoutnow.

In future use, this data will be reported in a permanent SVPR statistics column named FileSpoolForceAgeoutnow.

Spare04 count

Volume of spool data segments in KB that were forced to change their age to ageoutnow.

In future use, this data will be reported in a permanent SVPR statistics column named FileSpoolForceAgeoutnowKB.

Spare05 count

Number of spool data segments that keep their age irrespective of FSGINFOSPOOLAGEOUTNOW flag.

In future use, this data will be reported in a permanent SVPR statistics column named FileSpoolKeepAge.

Spare06 count

Volume of spool data segments in KB that keep their age irrespective of FSGINFOSPOOLAGEOUTNOW flag.

In future use, this data will be reported in a permanent SVPR statistics column named FileSpoolKeepAgeKB.

Spare07 count Reserved for future use. FLOAT
Spare08 count Number of times processes are blocked waiting for a lock on the CI.

The permanent column name CISleeps is reserved for future use.

Spare09 count Total amount of time in milliseconds that processes are blocked waiting for a lock on the CI.

The permanent column name CISleepTime is reserved for future use.

Spare10 max Maximum amount of time in milliseconds that processes are blocked waiting for a lock on the CI.

The permanent column name CISleepTimeMax is reserved for future use.

Spare11 - Spare29 count Reserved for future use. FLOAT
SpareInt track

This column reports the number of CPUs available for Teradata tasks at the end of the reporting period. These CPUs are TD-enabled CPUs. Teradata tasks only have access to TD-enabled CPUs while Non-Teradata tasks have access to all online CPUs.

This count may change dynamically after database is up but is always less than or equal to the count reported in NCPUs.

In future use, this data will be reported in a permanent SVPR statistics column named TDEnabledCPUs.