pmdcomt.h - Access Module

Teradata Tools and Utilities Access Module Programmer Guide

Access Module
Release Number
May 2017
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

This header file shows example client-related structure and symbol definitions relating to the Data Connector API.

/* % TITLE pmdcomt.h ... Independent/Dependent Access Module                */
/*                       common struct/types                                */
/*                                                                          */
/*  Copyright 1999-2015 Teradata Corporation.  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.         */
/*  Teradata Corporation CONFIDENTIAL AND TRADE SECRET                      */
/*  This copyrighted material is the Confidential, Unpublished              */
/*  Property of the Teradata Corporation.  This copyright notice            */
/*  and any other copyright notices included in machine readable            */
/*  copies must be reproduced on all authorized copies.                     */
/*                                                                          */
/* CRITICAL USAGE NOTE:                                                     */
/*  This header file is to be the EXACT same file for both SA & TPT.        */
/*  The cooresponding versions in /vob/tdcli & /vob/paralx must match       */
/*  The identiy will insure that the same access module will work with      */
/*  the standalone utilities AND the TPT DC oeprator                        */
/*                                                                          */
/*                                                                          */

#ifndef PMDCOMT_H
#define PMDCOMT_H

#define pmMAX_CLIENT_ID    255
#define pmMAX_ATR_NAME_LEN 255
#define pmMAX_ATR_VAL_LEN  1300                                   

   "COPYRIGHT 2001-2015, Teradata Corporation.  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED." 

#ifdef __MVS__                                                  
#define PM_DEFAULT_CHARSET_NAME "EBCDIC"                         
#define PM_DEFAULT_CHARSET_NAME "ASCII"                           
#define PM_ATR_NAME_ENHANCED_RESTART "Restart_Validation"        
#define PM_ATR_VALU_UTF32  "UTF32"                               
#define PM_ATR_VALU_UTF16  "UTF16"                                 
#define PM_ATR_VALU_UTF16n "62"                                   
#define PM_ATR_VALU_UTF8   "UTF8"
#define PM_ATR_VALU_UTF8n  "63"                                   
#define PM_ATR_VALU_NO  "NO"
#define PM_ATR_VALU_DEFAULT "DEFAULT"                          

/*           Used to pass the CHECKPOINT value from the client load utility */
/*                  (i.e. FastLoad, MultiLoad, TPump) to the access module. */
/*     The attribute value is a string containing the ASCII encoding of the */
/*  decimal textual representation of the CHECKPOINT value.  A value of "0" */
/*      indicates that checkpoint/restart processing is not enabled; a file */
/*    opened by an access module instance for which the CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL */
/*         attribute is "0" (at the time of the File Open request) will not */
/*                                     receive a File Get Position request. */



/*          The list of server character type codes.  These values are used */
/*            in the CharType field of pmExpWidth_t structures.  The values */
/*                               should match the corresponding values from */
/*                                            dbsv2/src/par/evl/evltypes.h. */
#define pmEVLLATIN1   1                 /* 8-bit Latin1 character data type */
#define pmEVLUNICODE  2               /* 16-bit Unicode character data type */
#define pmEVLSJIS	3                    /* KanjiSJIS character data type */
#define pmEVLGRAPHIC  4         /* Graphic character data type (in Unicode) */  
#define pmEVLKANJI1   5                       /* Kanji1 character data type */

#if defined(HPUX) && defined(PIOM64) && !defined(HPUX_IA64) 
#ifdef __cplusplus                    
#define pmdcomt_packing "pack 8"                                   
#pragma pack 8 
/*#define pmdcomt_packing "HP_ALIGN NATURAL PUSH"*/     
/*#pragma HP_ALIGN NATURAL PUSH*/                                  
#elif defined(HPUX_IA64) && defined(PIOM64)   
#define pmdcomt_packing "pack(8)"
#pragma pack(8)                               
#elif defined(SOLARIS) && defined(PIOM64)
#define pmdcomt_packing "pack(8)"                                  
#pragma pack(8)
#elif defined (AIX)                                                
#define pmdcomt_packing "options align=packed"                     
#pragma options align=packed                                       
#elif defined(__MVS__)                                            
#pragma pack(packed)                                              
#define pmdcomt_packing "pack(packed)"                            
#elif !defined(HPUX) && !defined(SOLARIS)                         \
      && !defined(_WIN64)  && !defined(__APPLE__) 
#define pmdcomt_packing "pack (push, 1)"                           
#pragma pack (push, 1)
#elif defined(_WIN64)                                              
#define pmdcomt_packing "pack (push, 1)"                           
#pragma pack (push, 1)                                                                                          

#if !defined (pmdcomt_packing)                                     
#define pmdcomt_packing "none"                                     

/* DR 58755, DR 58762 <-- */

#define pmdcomt_HeaderVersion "Common"            
#define pmdcomt_ID "pmdcomt header version '" pmdcomt_HeaderVersion \
 "', packing '" pmdcomt_packing "'"

#ifdef PIOM64
#define pmInterfaceVersionD 1001
typedef unsigned int	pmUInt32;               /* 32-bit unsigned integer */
#define pmInterfaceVersionD 1000
typedef unsigned int    pmUInt32;                /* 32-bit unsigned integer */

typedef unsigned short   pmUInt16;               /* 16-bit unsigned integer */
typedef pmUInt32   	 pmReturnType;           /* Return value type for   */
					                        /* all API functions       */
typedef short		  pmOpenMode_t;     /* Access Module mode for pmOpen */
typedef int 		   pmTrceLvl_t;                  /* Trace level type */

/*   Export widths information structure.  An array of these structures is  */
/* passed as the attribute value in an EXPORT_WIDTHS instance put attribute */
/*       request.  In this case the attribute value length is the number of */
/*     bytes occupied by the entire array.  The export width information is */
/*   used to calculate the size in bytes of exported fixed-length character */
/*      columns.  This size depends not only on the number of characters in */
/*  the data type (i.e. the n in CHAR(n)), but also on the selected session */
/*       character set (for example, "UTF8"), and the server character type */
/*   (specified in the CHARACTER SET clause of the CREATE TABLE statement). */
/*         The export width information passed in an EXPORT_WIDTHS instance */
/*     put attribute request pertains to the current session character set. */
/*        Each structure passed in the array has information for one server */
/*                                                          character type. */
typedef struct pmExpWidth
	pmUInt16 CharType;    /* Server character type code.                   */
	pmUInt16 ExpWidth;    /* Export width. Contains the scale value that   */
                           /*  is to be multiplied by the number of         */
                           /*  characters in the data type.                 */
	pmUInt16 ExpWidthAdj; /* Export width adjustment.  Contains the offset */
                           /* value that is added to the product of ExpWidth*/
                           /* and number of characters in the data type in  */
                           /* order to obtain the export width.             */
} pmExpWidth_t;

/* Media Position description structure */
typedef struct _pmPosData
  pmUInt32	Length;
  char		*Data;
} pmPos_t;
typedef struct _pmNameBuf
  pmUInt32	DataLength;
  char		*Data;
} pmNameBuf_t;

/* Access Module Version Identification structure */
#define pmMAX_VER_STR_LEN 31
typedef struct _pmVerLst_t
  char                ModuleName[pmMAX_VER_STR_LEN+1];
  char                ModuleVers[pmMAX_VER_STR_LEN+1];
  struct _pmVerLst_t *Next;
} pmVerLst_t;
/* List of return codes generated by any call to the API */
#define pmrcOK              0    /* All's well :: MUST BE ZERO !! :: */
#define pmrcBadpmHandle     1    /* Invalid pmHandle parameter passed */
#define pmrcBadParm         2    /* Bad parameter passed to API */
#define pmrcAXMNotFound     3    /* Requested Access Module not found */
#define pmrcFileNotFound    4    /* Requested file not found */
#define pmrcWriteOnly       5    /* Access Module is write only */
#define pmrcReadOnly        6    /* Access Module is read only */
#define pmrcBadFp           7    /* Invalid pmFp parameter passed */
#define pmrcOpenFiles       8    /* Access Module still has open files */
#define pmrcEOF             9    /* Access Module reached EOF */
#define pmrcCPReady         10   /* Access Module is ready to checkpoint */
#define pmrcInvUtil         11   /* Invalid utility ID passed to pmInit */
#define pmrcAllocErr        12   /* Error encountered during memory mgmt */
#define pmrcBadOpenMode     13   /* Unsupported mode */
#define pmrcBadFormat       14   /* Unsupported format */
#define pmrcBadBlksize      15   /* Unsupported block size */
#define pmrcDataFormatErr   16   /* Unexpected data format */
#define pmrcBufferOverFlow  17   /* Record beyond buffer */
#define pmrcBadVer          18   /* info->InterfaceVerNo!=pmInterfaceVersion */
#define pmrcFNameTooLong    19   /* File name too long */
#define pmrcInitCmdSyntax   20   /* Access Module Init string syntax error */
#define pmrcInitInvCmd      21   /* Init string invalid command char */
#define pmrcInitInvOpt      22   /* Init string invalid cmd option */
#define pmrcPosDataInvL     23   /* Invalid positioning data length */
#define pmrcUnsupported     24   /* Unsupported feature */
#define pmrcKeepReading     25   /* Continue reading 'till end-of-buffer */
#define pmrcAXMnotReady     26   /* pmInit has not been called */
#define pmrcBadTraceLvl     27   /* Invalid diagnostic trace level */
#define pmrcOpenAXMs        28   /* Access Modules still open */
#define pmrcEmptyFile       29   /* Empty file on read open */
#define pmrcRedundant       30   /* Redundant pmInit call */
#define pmrcBadFormatInfo   31   /* Invalid Supplemental Format Information */
#define pmrcBadChkPtMode    32   /* Invalid Checkpointing mode */
#define pmrcBadAttrName     33   /* Unrecognized attribute name */
#define pmrcFailure         34   /* Indeterminate error.  Ref pmGetErrText() */
#define pmrcNoEOR           35   /* EOF before EOR on text data         */
#define pmrcBufferSizeExcess 36  /* BufferSize exceeded by axsmod       */
#define pmrcAMsymbolError   37   /* AM symbol resolution error          */
/*                              shifted values for compatibility Begin  */
#define pmrcLRECLMismatch   38   /* USS: LRECL!=TWB schema length       */
#define pmrcBadMBC          39   /* Bad multi-byte character found      */
#define pmrcBadAttrValue    40   /* Invalid attribute value             */
#define pmrcOnlyAfterAttach 41   /* Can't set AM attr after file open   */
#define pmrcSignatureFailed 42   /* Unable to obtain data signature     */
#define pmrcRestartDataMismatch 43 /* Data after restart doesn't match  */
#define pmrcOnlyAfterOpen   44   /* Open attribute setting timing error */
#define pmrcEndianConflict  45   /* Requested endianess vs. file        */
#define pmrcCharacterSetConflict 46 /* file UTF control vs. characterset*/
/*                                                                 End  */
#define pmrcBadAttrNameDC   50   /* attribute name unrecognized by DC   */
#define pmrcBadAttrValueDC  51   /* attribute value rejected by DC      */

#define pmrcTimeout         55   /*              An I/O has timed out   */
#define pmrcNoPositionPipe  56   /*            Can't position a PIPE    */

#define pmrcColLenthError   60    /* Error, row not returned            */
#define pmrcTooFewColumns   61    /* Error, too few columns             */
#define pmrcTooManyColumns  62    /* Error, too many columns            */
#define pmrcColMissingOpenQuote  63  /* Error, col missing open quote   */
#define pmrcColMissingCloseQuote 64  /* Error, col missing close quote  */
#define pmrcQuoteEscapeError     65                                
#define pmrcDelimiterEscapeError 66                                

/* Open modes (Read, Write, or ReadWrite) */
#define pmOpenModeR    1       /* Read only */
#define pmOpenModeW    2       /* Write only */
#define pmOpenModeRW   3       /* Read first, then write only */
#define pmOpenModeA    4       /* Open for writing at at/over EOF  */
#define pmOpenModeRWA  5                                         
#define pmOpenMode_MAX 5                                         
/* Shutdown modes */
#define pmShutDownNormal  1
#define pmShutDownBrute   2

/* Trace levels */
#define pmTrceNone     1  /* issue no trace messages */
#define pmTrceEvents   2
#define pmTrceIOcounts 3
#define pmTrceIObufs   4
#define pmTrceInfo     5
#define pmTrce_MAX     5

/*                                              Identify compiling platform */
#ifdef PIOM64                                                     
#define MODE "64-bit "                                            
#define MODE "32-bit "                                            

#ifdef UNIX5                                                      
#undef UNIX5                                                      

#ifdef SOLARIS
#define UNIX5                                                     
#ifdef INTEL
#define PLATFORM_ID MODE "Solaris/Intel"
#ifdef SPARC
#define PLATFORM_ID MODE "Solaris/SPARC"
#ifdef OPTERON
#define PLATFORM_ID MODE "Solaris/Opteron"
#define PLATFORM_ID MODE "Solaris"
#ifdef __APPLE__                                              
#define UNIX5                                                 
#define PLATFORM_ID MODE "Mac OS X"                           
#ifdef I370
#define PLATFORM_ID MODE "IBM 370"                                
#ifdef MPRAS
#define UNIX5                                                     
#define PLATFORM_ID MODE "MPRAS"                                  
#ifdef WIN32
#define PLATFORM_ID MODE "WIN32"                                  
#ifdef WIN64                                                      
#define PLATFORM_ID MODE "WIN64"                                  
#ifdef __MVS__
#ifdef PLATFORM_ID                                                
#undef PLATFORM_ID                                                
#define PLATFORM_ID MODE "IBM zSeries"                            
#ifdef HPUX
#define UNIX5                                                      
#ifdef RISC                                                        
#define PLATFORM_ID MODE "HPUX-PA"                                 
#elif defined(ITANIUM)                                             
#define PLATFORM_ID MODE "HPUX-IA"                                 
#define PLATFORM_ID MODE "HPUX"                                    
#ifdef AIX
#define UNIX5                                                     
#define PLATFORM_ID MODE "IBM AIX"                                
#ifdef LINUX                                                       
#define UNIX5                                                     
#ifdef SUSELINUX390                                               
#define PLATFORM_ID MODE "LINUX on z/OS"                          
#ifdef SUSELINUX8664                                              
#define PLATFORM_ID MODE "LINUX / SUSE x8664"                     
#ifdef REDHAT386                                                  
#define PLATFORM_ID MODE "LINUX / REDHAT i386"                    
#ifdef REDHAT8664                                                 
#define PLATFORM_ID MODE "LINUX / REDHAT x8664"                   
#define UNIX5                                                     
#ifdef LINUX                                                      
#define PLATFORM_ID MODE "LINUX"                       
#define PLATFORM_ID MODE "MPRAS (default)"                        
#ifdef UNIX5                                                       
#define UNIX5_compatible "yes"                                     
#define UNIX5_compatible "no"                                      

#if defined(HPUX) && defined(PIOM64) && !defined(HPUX_IA64) 
#ifdef __cplusplus                     
#pragma pack 
/*#pragma HP_ALIGN POP*/                
#elif defined(HPUX_IA64) && defined(PIOM64)   
#pragma pack()                                
#elif defined(SOLARIS) && defined(PIOM64)
#pragma pack()
#elif defined (AIX)                                                
#pragma options align=reset                                        
#elif defined(__MVS__)                                            
#pragma pack(reset)                                               
#elif !defined(HPUX) && !defined(SOLARIS)                         \
      && !defined(_WIN64) && !defined(__APPLE__)  
#pragma pack (pop)
#elif defined(_WIN64)                                             
#pragma pack (pop)                                                

#endif /* PMDCOMT_H */