次の例では、どのソース テーブルもPTIテーブルではないため、USING TIMECODE句が必要です。
sel avg(a.temperature), mode(b.temperature) from non_pti_tbl_seq a inner join ocean_buoys_nonpti b on a.buoyid = b.buoyid group by time(minutes(10)); *** *** Failure 4359 Time Series: GROUP BY TIME clause may not be used without a TIMECODE specification.
sel avg(a.temperature), mode(b.temperature) from non_pti_tbl_seq a, ocean_buoys_nonpti b group by time(minutes(10)); *** Failure 4359 Time Series: GROUP BY TIME clause may not be used without a TIMECODE specification.
sel avg(a.temperature), mode(a.temperature) from non_pti_tbl_seq a group by time(minutes(10)); *** Failure 4359 Time Series: GROUP BY TIME clause may not be used without a TIMECODE specification.