Upgrade Teradata Viewpoint to SLES12 (optional) | Teradata Viewpoint - Upgrading Viewpoint to SLES12 (optional) - Teradata Viewpoint

Teradata® Viewpoint Installation, Configuration, and Upgrade Guide for Customers

Teradata Viewpoint
Release Number
February 2022
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Analytical Ecosystem
PrerequisiteViewpoint must be installed using SLES11 SP3.

    Operating System Upgrade

  1. Download the following:
    • TDput rpm ( or higher)
    • teradata-osmigration rpm
    • iso image for SLES12
  2. Upgrade TDput on the Viewpoint server:
    rpm -Uvh TDput-
  3. Install the teradata-osmigration rpm:
    rpm -ivh teradata-osmigration-
  4. Mount the iso image:
    mkdir -p /var/opt/teradata/packages/iso

    mount -o loop SLES-12-SP3-TDC-v12.3.0-STND-RC1-DVD.iso /var/opt/teradata/packages/iso

  5. [TMS environment only] Download and install following packages:
    • mstflint-4.11.0-1.14.g840c9c2.46101.TDC.2.x86_64.rpm
    • teradata-connectx-5-fw-16.26.4012.00-1.x86_64.rpm
  6. Download all necessary packages for the SLES12 upgrade to the following location:
    mkdir -p /var/opt/teradata/packages/sles12

    Packages required:

    • PUTTools__sles_x8664.
    • TDput-
    • bynet-
    • sm3gnode-
    • teradata-biosutils__sles12_x8664.
    • teradata-diskutils-
    • teradata-gsctools-
    • teradata-ntp-4.2.8p8-4.x86_64.rpm
  7. Launch TDput.
  8. In the Main screen, select Install/Upgrade Software.
  9. Accept the default options for all screens up to the Media Sources screen.
  10. In the Media Sources screen:
    1. Specify the mounted location of the iso image.
    2. Provide the location of SLES12 packages.
  11. In the Group Nodes screen, verify the node displayed in the right panel has the following settings:
    • System - System0
    • Group - Group0
    • Node Type - VP
  12. If the node settings need to be updated, do the following:
    1. Select the item listed in the right panel.
    2. Click Modify Group.
    3. Make the necessary changes.
    4. Click Submit Changes.
  13. In the Select Packages screen, click SLES Package Differences to activate the Next button.
  14. Accept the default options for all subsequent steps.
  15. Viewpoint Upgrade

  16. Verify the OS has been upgraded to SLES12:
    cat /etc/os-release
  17. Upgrade the software with the latest SLES12 Viewpoint packages from certlist.