Dual AC Concept - Active Enterprise Data Warehouse

6750 Platform Product and Site Preparation Guide

Active Enterprise Data Warehouse
March 2018
Product Category

The system is referred to as a dual AC system because the power subsystem in each cabinet can accommodate power from two separate power sources.

Each processing/storage cabinet has either two AC feeder boxes (one on each side of the cabinet), or four AC feeder boxes (two on each side of the cabinet).
  • The AC feeder box(es) on one side of the cabinet must be connected to one power source, and the AC feeder box(es) on the other side of the cabinet must be connected to a separate power source.
  • By default:
    • If a cabinet has two AC feeder boxes, both share current.
    • If a cabinet has four AC feeder boxes, the top two AC feeder boxes share current, and the bottom two AC feeder boxes share current.
  • If the power source connected to the AC feeder box(es) on one side of the cabinet is lost, the current on the AC feeder box(es) connected to the remaining power source will increase to take over power for the lost source; however, the system will experience some operational degradation.
Each BYNET and PFC cabinet has two AC boxes (one blue AC box and one orange AC box), providing dedicated inlets for the two power sources.
  • Power cords from blue AC boxes must be connected to one power source, and power cords from orange AC boxes must be connected to a separate power source.
  • By default, current is shared between the two AC boxes.
  • If one power source is lost, the current on the AC box connected to the remaining power source will increase to take over power for the lost source; however, the system will experience some operational degradation.

Note that power connections to some Ethernet switches are not redundant. A system that loses operation on some of its power cords will lose operation on Ethernet switches that are connected to a single power supply. For information about which AC boxes provide power to which Ethernet switches, see the Cabling appendix and the Chassis Port Reference appendix in the Hardware Installation Guide for your system.