Appendix B Client Load Utility Metadata - Client Load Metamodel - Teradata Meta Data Services

Teradata Meta Data Services User Guide

Teradata Meta Data Services
Release Number
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

Client Load Metamodel

MDS loads the Teradata Client Load Utility information (load script and output file) into the MDS repository using the Client Load Metamodel.

The Client Load Metamodel (CLM) is a MDS defined metamodel for the Teradata Client Load Utilities. The CLM stores metadata information about loading data into the Teradata system through the use of MutliLoad, FastLoad and T-Pump scripts.

This metadata information includes information about a load script and its execution status, information about the data source(s) that are used by the load script, and information about the target table(s) and the view(s) that are loaded by the load script.

The CLM is linked to the Database Information Metamodel (DIM) at both the Table/View level (Script and Source objects to the DIM Table class objects) and the Column/ViewColumn level (SourceField objects to the DIM Column class objects). These linkages will allow a user to traverse through both models regardless of which model he started with. The MDS utilities metacreate and metamigrate automatically create the CLM in the MDS repository. The metaclient program is used to load the Client Load metadata information into the CLM.

The CLM is represented by the following figure.

Figure 28: Client Load Metamodel