El archivo commandline.properties configura la interfaz de línea de comandos. Se instala como parte del proceso de instalación de la línea de comandos de Data Mover.
La URL del servidor REST de Data Mover se especifica en la primera mitad de la salida. Si desea conectarse a un servidor REST diferente (y, por tanto, a un daemon diferente) en tiempo de ejecución, puede cambiar estos valores predeterminados si los introduce como parámetros de los comandos de Data Mover.
# Copyright (C) 2009-2020 by Teradata Corporation. # All Rights Reserved. # TERADATA CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL AND TRADE SECRET #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # File: "commandline.properties" # # Purpose: This file contains all of the properties used by the DM CommandLine. # # Caution: Do not modify the property names/values in this file unless absolutely sure # of the implications to the DM CommandLine. # # Note: Any line of text in this document that begins with a '#' character is a comment and # has no affect on the DM CommandLine. However, comments should not be modified. # # All properties under LOGGING Comment are used for logging purposes # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Purpose: Data Mover Rest Interface # Default: https://localhost:1443/datamover # For automatic failover support: # dm.rest.endpoint=https://activeServer:1443/datamover,https://standbyServer:1443/datamover dm.rest.endpoint=https://localhost:1443/datamover #----------------------LOGGING------------------------------- # Purpose: Set Logging level to info. User has 6 options. # From most amount of logging to least: trace < debug < info < warn < error < fatal rootLogger.level=info # Purpose: Informs the logging application to use a specific appender and it's properties. DO NOT CHANGE appender.rolling.type=RollingFile appender.rolling.name=RollingFile appender.rolling.layout.type=PatternLayout appender.rolling.layout.pattern=%d [%t] %-5p %c{3}(%L) - %m%n appender.rolling.policies.type=Policies appender.rolling.policies.size.type=SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy appender.rolling.strategy.type=DefaultRolloverStrategy logger.rolling.name=com.teradata logger.rolling.appenderRef.rolling.ref=RollingFile # Purpose: Allow's user the ability to change the location of the log file. # If changing log file location, please give the absolute path of the file; # for example, /var/log/dmCommandLine.log # for windows os: use slash instead of back slash: # For Example: C:/Program File/Teradata/Log/dmCommandLine.log appender.rolling.fileName=dmCommandLine.log appender.rolling.filePattern=dmCommandLine.log.%i # Purpose: The max size of the logging file before being rolled over to backup files. appender.rolling.policies.size.size=20MB # Purpose: The number of backup logging files created, after the max number, the oldest file is erased. appender.rolling.strategy.max=5 #------------------------------------------------------------