save_configuration - Teradata Data Mover

Teradata® Data Mover ユーザー ガイド

Teradata Data Mover
Release Number
Product Category
Analytical Ecosystem


save_configurationコマンドは、-fパラメータを使って、構成ファイル(list_configurationコマンドで作成)内の情報をData Moverデーモンに保存します。


(オプション)実行時に別のRESTサーバーに接続する(その結果別のデーモンに接続する)ために、Data Mover RESTサーバー URLを入力して、commandline.propertiesファイルに指定されているデフォルト値を上書きします。
例: configuration.xml
(オプション)スーパー ユーザーまたは許可されたViewpointユーザーのパスワード。
例: 53cUr17y
Data Moverデーモンでセキュリティの管理が有効になっている場合に必須。 -security_password_encryptedも指定されている場合は、無効なパラメータになります。
(オプション) スーパーユーザーの暗号化されたパスワード。
例: 052c7aabd14c7770141ac3c0137ab98ae0d3f0f7cddf588981206b010c0c1b2f
Data Moverデーモンでセキュリティの管理が有効になっている場合に必須。 -security_passwordも指定されている場合は、無効なパラメータになります。
(オプション)スーパー ユーザーまたは許可されたViewpointユーザーのユーザーID。スーパーユーザーのユーザーIDはdmcl_adminで、変更できません。
Data Moverデーモンでセキュリティの管理が有効になっている場合に必須。


save_configurationコマンドの場合は、datamove save_configuration -f configuration.xmlと入力します。

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<dmSaveConfiguration xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
        <description>Purpose: To set the amount of time to wait for an Agent heartbeat before assuming it has gone out of service in milliseconds. Default: 600000.</description>
        <description>Purpose: Set all data dictionary queries on Teradata source and target systems to use the base views instead of X or VX views. Default: true.</description>
        <description>Purpose: Whether or not the different session charsets feature is supported. Default value false means not allowed.</description>
        <description>Purpose: Messages will be saved to this event table, unless the messages come from a different event table or the Job Definition explicitly overrides this parameter. Default: NULL.</description>
        <description>Purpose: Provide a set of name/value pairs for the default query_band feature.</description>
        <description>Purpose: Enable/Disable the default queryband feature. Default value: false</description>
        <description>Purpose: When set to true, utilities such as ARC, JDBC, and TPTAPI will initiate encrypted sessions to both the source and target database systems. Default: false. Note: There is a performance hit trade-off for the gain of encryption.</description>
        <description>Purpose: To force direction of data movement from source to target system.</description>
        <description>Purpose: Prevent certain database systems from ever being a target system in a Data Mover job. Default: false.</description>
        <description>Configures whether the fallback settings on tables created as part of movement jobs are disabled. While this is enabled, fallback settings on target tables are scrubbed and disabled. When this is disabled, fallback settings will be set based on the source table. Default is false.</description>
        <description>Purpose: When set to true, online archiving is utilized for objects that merit the use of ARC or DSA. Default: false. Note: There a is a performance hit trade-off for the gain of object availability.</description>
        <description>Purpose: When set to true, objects that already exist on the target database system are overwritten. Default: false.</description>
        <description>Purpose: When set to true, some Data Mover commands will require the admin username and password to be specified when executing the command.  Refer to the User Guide for a complete list of commands affected by this parameter. Default: false</description>
        <description>Purpose: To record any changes to the Data Mover repository tables (inserts/updates/deletes) in an audit log table. The value must be set to true in order to use the Sync service. Default: false.</description>
        <description>Purpose: Use a target user from the pool of users. This enables running multiple arc tasks at the same time.</description>
        <description>Purpose: Enable/Disable the repository purge job definition feature. Default value: false.</description>
        <description>Purpose: Enable/Disable the repository purge feature.</description>
        <description>Purpose: The unit for job history data to kept in the repository before purging should occur. The current supported values are days, weeks, months, and years. Default value: days.</description>
        <description>Purpose: The number of units for job history data to kept in the repository before purging should occur. This value is combined with the value for repository.purge.history.unit to determine the amount of time before purging should occur for old jobs (for example, 60 days, 3 years, or 10 months). Default value: 60. The value of -1 will disable the purging by time.</description>
        <description>Purpose: The hour when the daily repository purging should start. Default value 1 means 1am.</description>
        <description>Purpose: The minute when the daily repository purging should start. Default value 0.</description>
        <description>Purpose: The percentage of repository permspace that needs to be available to determine when purging should occur. Default value 50 means the repository should be purged when more than 50% of the available permspace is in use. The value of -1 will disable the purging by percentage.</description>
        <description>If enabled (true) and the table is being Fast/Multi Loaded, the daemon marks it as COMPLETED WITH WARNINGS, regardless of the utility being used. If disabled (false) and the table is being Fast/Multi Loaded, the daemon marks the table movement as FAILED, regardless of the utility used. Default is false.</description>
        <description>Purpose: Enable/Disable the default target/staging databases at the system level. Default value false means disabled.</description>
        <description>Purpose: Controls maximum number of load slots that Data Mover can use at one time on target Teradata systems. Default: 5.</description>
        <description>Purpose: Controls frequency of sending messages when using byte-based utilities (for example, ARC). Default: 2147483647 bytes.</description>
        <description>Purpose: Controls how Data Mover directs messages. When set to BOTH, messages will be written to the TDI event tables. Default: NONE.</description>