BTEQ run files are the same as scripts or input stream files except that they are not defined as the SYSIN file for automatic execution when BTEQ is invoked. To execute the file, define the file with a z/OS DD statement. Then, invoke BTEQ and use the RUN command to execute the file.
Creating a Run File
To create a BTEQ run file that displays the contents of the Department table in the default database, create a file called SAMPFILE, and enter the following BTEQ script:
.LOGON tdpid/userid,password
SELECT * FROM department;
Identifying a Run File as a Valid ddname
After creating and saving a run file, identify it as a valid ddname:
If Using |
Enter |
ALLOC FI(SAMPFILE) DA(sampfile.script) SHR |
Executing a Run File
To execute the run file, enter either form of the BTEQ RUN command:
.RUN FILE=sampfile
.RUN DDNAME=sampfile
Before running the file, BTEQ echoes the RUN command, followed by the BTEQ command prompt. BTEQ then executes each statement in the run file as though it was entered interactively.
Terminating a Run File
If a run file does not end with either an EXIT or a QUIT command, BTEQ completes executing the last statement, returns an informational message, and then switches back to reading from the standard input stream. When using BTEQ interactively, BTEQ’s command prompt is given. For example:
*** Encountered EOF on RUN file. Returning to stdin.
BTEQ -- Enter your SQL request or BTEQ command:
Note: For information on I/O errors and abends, refer to “I/O Errors and Abends” on page 96.
Displaying Run File Results
Depending on the configuration of the SYSPRINT specification, BTEQ either displays the results on the user terminal or writes them to the specified file:
.LOGON fml,
*** Logon successfully completed.
*** Total elapsed time was 3 seconds.
SELECT * FROM department;
*** Query completed. 5 rows found. 4 columns returned.
*** Total elapsed time was 3 seconds.
DeptNo DeptName Loc MgrNo
------ ------------ --- -----
500 Engineering ATL 10012
700 Marketing NYC 10021
300 Exec Office NYC 10018
600 Manufacturing CHI 10007
100 Admin NYC 10011
*** You are now logged off from the DBC.
*** Encountered EOF on RUN file. Returning to stdin.
Note: For short jobs, it might be advantageous to execute a run file interactively and display the results on a terminal screen. For longer jobs, it might be better for BTEQ to write the results to a SYSPRINT file. In the latter cases, it is necessary to define a SYSPRINT file as a valid ddname using a z/OS DD statement before executing the RUN command.