Diagnostic Controls - Basic Teradata Query

Basic Teradata Query Reference

Basic Teradata Query
Release Number
May 2017
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

The following commands control the triggering of a variety of diagnostic aids that take shape either as informational messages included in its output stream or the invocation of external processes used for response activity event notification and logging. The commands that trigger informational messages cover custom messages, command set syntax, controls' current state, reflection of meta results for recent instructions and component version listing for product serviceability.

BTEQ Command Function
ECHOREQ Specifies if a copy of the Teradata SQL requests and BTEQ commands should be placed in the standard output stream.
HELP BTEQ Returns a list of all available BTEQ commands and their syntax. The SQL Online Help feature includes similar help for SQL commands.
NOTIFY Performs a user exit or pre-defined action when certain significant events occur.
QUIET Limits BTEQ's verbosity to errors and request processing statistics.
REMARK Places a specified string on the standard output stream.
SHOW Displays the last SQL request sent to database.
SHOW CONTROLS Displays the current value for all BTEQ settings or for a specific BTEQ setting.
SHOW ERRORMAP Displays the contents of the tables that map error codes to severity levels.
SHOW VERSIONS Returns version levels for BTEQ and the key Teradata software it depends on.
TIMEMSG Enables printing the total time of a specified request.
TMSMMSG Enables production of diagnostic status messages about table-change events.