Executing the sample SQL stored procedure act, specified in the file example.spl, and containing one parameter, BTEQ produces the following command execution messages in the SYSPRINT file:
.logon mydbs/tdsp01 Password: *** Logon successfully completed. *** Transaction Semantics are BTET. *** Character Set Name is 'ASCII'. *** Total elapsed time was 1 second. BTEQ -- Enter your SQL request logon or BTEQ command: .compile file example.spl *** Procedure has been created. . *** Total elapsed time was 5 seconds. BTEQ -- Enter your SQL request logon or BTEQ command: call samplesp1 (8888, pAmount); *** Procedure has been executed. *** Total elapsed time was 1 second. pAmount --------- 10000.00 BTEQ -- Enter your SQL request logon or BTEQ command: sel * from account1; *** Query completed. One row found. 2 columns returned. *** Total elapsed time was 1 second. accountno amount -------- --------- 8888 10000.00 .LOGOFF *** You are now logged off from the DBC.