Result Set Viewer Preferences - Teradata Studio

Teradata Studio Express User Guide

Teradata Studio
Release Number
June 2017
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

The Result Set Viewer Preferences dialog enables you to set display options for result set data.

Result Display Tab

Option Description
Display alternate Result Set rows in color Displays color in alternate rows of the result set. Click the color box to open the Color dialog and select a basic color or define a custom color to use.
Show Row Numbers Displays row numbers. This option is enabled by default.
Show Column Headers Displays column headers. This option is enabled by default.
Show Table Grid Lines Displays lines between rows and columns on the table grid. This option is enabled by default.
(*) Display Column Titles rather than Column Names Displays the column titles (if available) rather than the column names, in the column header area. This option is disabled by default. The query must be rerun in order for a change to this option to take effect.
(*) Max Display Row Count Changes the maximum number of rows to display. The default for this option is 2000. The query must be rerun in order for a change to this option to take effect.
Long Text Boundary Size Changes the long text boundary size. If a data value length is longer than the long text boundary size, only the first 20 characters are displayed. The user can view the entire data value by double-clicking the data in the display grid. A pop-up window is presented with the full data value. The default for this option is 150.
Display Negative Numbers in Red Displays negative numbers in red. This option is enabled by default.
Display Negative Numbers in Red Translate control characters in the range of 0x0086 through 0x009f as if the bytes 0x86 through 0x9f were translated by the Windows code page cp1252. The query must be rerun for the change in this option to take effect.
Translate some Control Characters Translate control characters in the range of 0x0086 through 0x009f as if the bytes 0x86 through 0x9f were translated by the Windows code page cp1252. The query must be rerun for the change in this option to take effect.
Reuse Result Set Viewer Window Causes the Result Set Viewer to refresh the current window with new result sets generated by the SQL Editor. If you deselect the box, the Result Set Viewer creates a new window for each generated result set.

Data Format Tab

Option Description
Display Null Value as Changes the value that is displayed when the data is null. The default for this options is "null."
Display 1000 Separator in Numeric Columns Displays a 1000 separator in numeric columns. This option is disabled by default.
Number Fractional Digits Displayed Designates the number of decimal places to display for Float values. By default, the value is blank and the data is presented as returned from the database. Set the value between 1 and 10 to change the number of fractional digits displayed.
Display Dashes between Bytes for Binary Data Values Displays a dash between each byte of the value for greater ease of reading, for example: 63-b1-a3-62. This option is enabled by default.
Display Float Values using Scientific Notation Displays Float values using scientific notation rather than in decimal format. This option is disabled by default.
Display Time/Timestamp without Time Zone Displays the time/timestamp without indicating the time zone. For example, instead of 11:37:58.123+02.00 this Results Set Viewer would show 11:37:58.123. This option is disabled by default.
Display Date Format Select the format in which you want dates to be displayed. This option uses the Java Simple Date Format notation to format the date display in the result set. The default for this option is yyyy-MM-dd. You can select User Defined if you want to enter a format in the Date Format Value box.
Date Format Value Shows the notation used to display date formats, based on the selection in the Display Date Format drop-down list and enables you to enter a format if you selected User Defined.

Copy Options Tab

Option Description
Delimiter Format Changes the column delimiter when the Copy data option is used on the grid display. The default for this option is Comma Separated. Other possible choices are Tab Separated and User Defined.
Delimiter Value Changes the column delimiter value when the User Defined format option is selected.
Copy Include Column Headers Select to include column headers when the copy data option is used on the grid display.
Copy Include Grid Lines Select to include cell borders when you use the Copy data option to copy cells from the grid display.