Data Stream Controller (DSC) Properties - Data Stream Architecture - Data Stream Extensions

Data Stream Extensions Installation, Configuration, and Upgrade Guide for Customers

Data Stream Architecture
Data Stream Extensions
Release Number
August 2016
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities
Do not edit any property setting after installation. If any change is made, the change does not take effect until DSC and the ClientHandler are restarted.
Property Description Default Setting
broker.url Hostname or IP address of the machine running the JMS broker localhost
broker.port Port number on the machine in which the JMS broker is listening 61616
broker.type Broker used by ActiveMQ for JMS communication tcp
checkretention.cronstring Schedules a task, based on a given cron expression, that sends a request to all NetBackup clients containing save sets past the dataset.retention.days (also configured in to determine if the save sets have expired on the NetBackup side. If they have expired, DSC removes or invalidates the save set from the DSC repository.
This task automates, and is an alternative to, the user command sync_save_sets.

The string must be in the form of a valid cron expression. Cron expressions are comprised of 6 required fields and one optional field, with each field separated by one white space. The fields are: Seconds Minutes Hours Day-of-month Month Day-of-week Year (optional)

If an invalid expression is set, the task fails and an error message is sent to the DSC log.

An empty value, signifying that the parameter is disabled and will not run a checkretention task.
dataset.retention.days Number of days used for checkretention (listed above) to determine if a save set (or data set) is at risk of being expired on the backup application. This value is used both for the checkretention task and the sync_save_sets user command to compile a list of save sets to send to DSA Network Client. 30 days DSARest web service host, which is where the web service runs. The host should usually be the DSC server.  
executormanager.maxConcurrentJobs Maximum number of jobs allowed to run on DSC at the same time 100
executormanager.maxQueuedJobs Maximum number of jobs placed on the queue and executed when slots become available 20
fullExport.landingZone Directory on the DSC server where the job status log is output when you use the -E|-full_export parameter with the job_status_log command. /var/opt/teradata/dsa/export
log4j.rootLogger Logging level of the DSC component INFO
Other values:
  • WARN
log4j.appender.logfile.file Location of the log file  
log4j.appender.logfile Internal setting for logging infrastructure  
log4j.appender.logfile.maxFileSize Maximum size of the logging file before being rolled over to backup file 10 MB
log4j.appender.logfile.maxBackupIndex Number of backup logging files that are created. The oldest file is erased if the maximum number of files has been created. 20
log4j.appender.logfile.layout Internal setting for logging infrastructure  
log4j.appender.logfile.layout.ConversionPattern Pattern of the log file layout  
logger.useTviLogger TVI logger on or off setting. When set to true, fatal error messages can be sent to TVI. true
startup.retry.interval Time interval measured in seconds for retrying the connection to ActiveMQ during DSC startup 300
tvi.retry Number of times DSC will retry to connect to ActiveMQ during DSC startup before error messages are reported to TVI 10
viewpoint.url Hostname or IP address of the system running Viewpoint localhost
viewpoint.port Port number of the machine where viewpoint is listening 80
viewpoint.type Type of connection used, either http or https http Hostname or IP address of primary CAM system, which enables alert messaging  
cam.activemq.port CAM port number of primary CAM system 61616
cam.cluster.enabled Flag for enabling CAM clustering false Hostname or IP address of primary and failover CAM systems, which enable alert messaging  
cam.clustered.activemq.port CAM port number 61616
autodeletejob.cronstring Time when retired jobs scheduled for deletion are deleted.

The string must be in the form of a valid cron expression. Cron expressions are comprised of 6 required fields and one optional field, each of which is separated by one white space. The fields are: Seconds Minutes Hours Day-of-month Month Day-of-week Year (optional)

autodeletejob.cronstring=0 0 0 * * ?

The default runs the delete job every night at 0 seconds, 0 minutes, and 0 hour, which is equivalent to midnight.

message.timeToLive JMS message time-to-live configuration 1200000