Teradata Package for Python Function Reference | 20.00 - itertuples - Teradata Package for Python - Look here for syntax, methods and examples for the functions included in the Teradata Package for Python.
Teradata® Package for Python Function Reference - 20.00
- Deployment
- VantageCloud
- VantageCore
- Edition
- Enterprise
- IntelliFlex
- VMware
- Product
- Teradata Package for Python
- Release Number
- Published
- December 2024
- ft:locale
- en-US
- ft:lastEdition
- 2024-12-19
- dita:id
- TeradataPython_FxRef_Enterprise_2000
- Product Category
- Teradata Vantage
- teradataml.dataframe.dataframe.DataFrame.itertuples = itertuples(self, name='Row', num_rows=None)
Method to Iterate over teradataml DataFrame rows as namedtuples.
Optional Argument.
Specifies the name of the returned namedtuples. When set to None,
the method returns the row in a list instead of namedtuple.
Default Value: Row
Types: str
Optional Argument.
Specifies the number of rows to retrieve from the DataFrame.
When set to None, the method retrieves all the records.
Types: int OR NoneType
iterator, an object to iterate over row in the DataFrame.
# Load the data.
>>> load_example_data("teradataml", "titanic")
# Example 1: Retrieve all the records from the teradataml DataFrame.
>>> df = DataFrame("titanic")
>>> rows = df.itertuples()
>>> next(rows)
Row(passenger=78, survived=0, pclass=3, name='Moutal Mr. Rahamin Haim', sex='male', age=None, sibsp=0, parch=0, ticket='374746', fare=8.05, cabin=None, embarked='S')
>>> next(rows)
Row(passenger=93, survived=0, pclass=1, name='Chaffee Mr. Herbert Fuller', sex='male', age=46, sibsp=1, parch=0, ticket='W.E.P. 5734', fare=61.175, cabin='E31', embarked='S')
>>> next(rows)
Row(passenger=5, survived=0, pclass=3, name='Allen Mr. William Henry', sex='male', age=35, sibsp=0, parch=0, ticket='373450', fare=8.05, cabin=None, embarked='S')
# Example 2: Retrieve the first 20 records from the teradataml DataFrame in a list,
# when DataFrame is ordered by column "passenger".
>>> df = DataFrame("titanic")
>>> rows = df.sort("passenger").itertuples(name=None, num_rows=20)
>>> next(rows)
[1, 0, 3, 'Braund, Mr. Owen Harris', 'male', 22, 1, 0, 'A/5 21171', 7.25, None, 'S']
>>> next(rows)
[2, 1, 1, 'Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Thayer)', 'female', 38, 1, 0, 'PC 17599', 71.2833, 'C85', 'C']
>>> next(rows)
[3, 1, 3, 'Heikkinen, Miss. Laina', 'female', 26, 0, 0, 'STON/O2. 3101282', 7.925, None, 'S']