Teradata Package for Python Function Reference | 20.00 - map_row - Teradata Package for Python - Look here for syntax, methods and examples for the functions included in the Teradata Package for Python.
Teradata® Package for Python Function Reference - 20.00
- Deployment
- VantageCloud
- VantageCore
- Edition
- Enterprise
- IntelliFlex
- VMware
- Product
- Teradata Package for Python
- Release Number
- Published
- December 2024
- ft:locale
- en-US
- ft:lastEdition
- 2024-12-19
- dita:id
- TeradataPython_FxRef_Enterprise_2000
- lifecycle
- latest
- Product Category
- Teradata Vantage
- teradataml.dataframe.dataframe.DataFrame.map_row = map_row(self, user_function, exec_mode='IN-DB', chunk_size=1000, num_rows=1000, **kwargs)
Function to apply a user defined function to each row in the
teradataml DataFrame, leveraging Vantage's Script Table Operator.
Required Argument.
Specifies the user defined function to apply to each row in
the teradataml DataFrame.
Types: function or functools.partial
* This can be either a lambda function, a regular python
function, or an object of functools.partial.
* The first argument (positional) to the user defined
function must be a row in a pandas DataFrame corresponding
to the teradataml DataFrame to which it is to be applied.
* A non-lambda function can be passed only when the user
defined function does not accept any arguments other than
the mandatory input - the input row.
A user can also use functools.partial and lambda functions
for the same, which are especially handy when:
* there is a need to pass positional and/or keyword
arguments (lambda).
* there is a need to pass keyword arguments only
* The return type of the user defined function must be one
of the following:
* numpy ndarray
* For a one-dimensional array, it is expected that
it has as many values as the number of expected
output columns.
* For a two-dimensional array, it is expected that
every array contained in the outer array has as
many values as the number of expected output
* pandas Series
This represents a row in the output, and the
number of values in it must be the same as the
number of expected output columns.
* pandas DataFrame
It is expected that a pandas DataFrame returned
by the "user_function" has the same number of
columns as the number of expected output columns.
* The return objects will be printed to the standard output
as required by Script using the 'quotechar' and 'delimiter'
* The user function can also print the required output to
the standard output in the delimited (and possibly quoted)
format instead of returning an object of supported type.
Optional Argument.
Specifies the mode of execution for the user defined function.
Permitted values:
* IN-DB: Execute the function on data in the teradataml
DataFrame in Vantage.
* LOCAL: Execute the function locally on sample data (at
most "num_rows" rows) from the teradataml
* SANDBOX: Execute the function locally within a sandbox
environment on sample data (at most "num_rows"
rows) from the teradataml DataFrame.
Default value: 'IN-DB'
Types: str
Optional Argument.
Specifies the number of rows to be read in a chunk in each
iteration using an iterator to apply the user defined function
to each row in the chunk.
Varying the value passed to this argument affects the
performance and the memory utilization.
Default value: 1000
Types: int
Optional Argument.
Specifies the maximum number of sample rows to use from the
teradataml DataFrame to apply the user defined function to when
"exec_mode" is 'LOCAL' or 'SANDBOX'.
Default value: 1000
Types: int
Optional Argument.
Specifies the output column definition corresponding to the
output of "user_function".
When not specified, the function assumes that the names and
types of the output columns are same as that of the input.
Teradata reserved keywords should not be provided as column names unless
the column names of output dataframe are an exact match of input dataframe.
User can find the list or check if the string is a reserved keyword or not
using list_td_reserved_keywords() function.
Types: Dictionary specifying column name to
teradatasqlalchemy type mapping.
Optional Argument.
Specifies a delimiter to use when reading columns from a row and
writing result columns.
Default value: ' '
Types: str with one character
* This argument cannot be same as "quotechar" argument.
* This argument cannot be a newline character i.e., '
Optional Argument.
Specifies a character that forces all input and output of the
user function to be quoted using this specified character.
Using this argument enables the Advanced SQL Engine to
distinguish between NULL fields and empty strings.
A string with length zero is quoted, while NULL fields are not.
If this character is found in the data, it will be escaped by a
second quote character.
Types: str with one character
* This argument cannot be same as "delimiter" argument.
* This argument cannot be a newline character i.e., '
Optional Argument.
Specifies an authorization to use when running the
Types: str
Optional Argument.
Specifies the character encoding for data.
Permitted values: 'utf-16', 'latin'
Types: str
Optional Argument.
Specifies the Order By columns for the teradataml DataFrame.
Values to this argument can be provided as a list, if multiple
columns are used for ordering.
This argument is used in both cases:
"is_local_order = True" and "is_local_order = False".
Types: str OR list of Strings (str)
"is_local_order" must be set to 'True' when
"data_order_column" is used with "data_hash_column".
Optional Argument.
Specifies a boolean value to determine whether the input data is
to be ordered locally or not.
"data_order_column" with "is_local_order" set to 'False'
specifies the order in which the values in a group, or
partition, are sorted.
When this argument is set to 'True', qualified rows on each AMP
are ordered in preparation to be input to a table function.
This argument is ignored, if "data_order_column" is None.
Default value: False
Types: bool
* "is_local_order" cannot be specified along with
* When "is_local_order" is set to True, "data_order_column"
should be specified, and the columns specified in
"data_order_column" are used for local ordering.
Optional Argument.
Specifies a boolean value to determine whether NULLS are listed
first or last during ordering.
This argument is ignored, if "data_order_column" is None.
NULLS are listed first when this argument is set to 'True', and
last when set to 'False'.
Default value: True
Types: bool
Optional Argument.
Specifies a boolean value to determine if the result set is to
be sorted on the "data_order_column" column in ascending or
descending order.
The sorting is ascending when this argument is set to 'True',
and descending when set to 'False'.
This argument is ignored, if "data_order_column" is None.
Default Value: True
Types: bool
1. teradataml DataFrame if exec_mode is "IN-DB".
2. Pandas DataFrame if exec_mode is "LOCAL".
TypeError, TeradataMlException.
>>> # This example uses the 'admissions_train' dataset, to increase
>>> # the 'gpa' by a give percentage.
>>> # Load the example data.
>>> load_example_data("dataframe", "admissions_train")
>>> df = DataFrame('admissions_train')
>>> print(df)
masters gpa stats programming admitted
22 yes 3.46 Novice Beginner 0
36 no 3.00 Advanced Novice 0
15 yes 4.00 Advanced Advanced 1
38 yes 2.65 Advanced Beginner 1
5 no 3.44 Novice Novice 0
17 no 3.83 Advanced Advanced 1
34 yes 3.85 Advanced Beginner 0
13 no 4.00 Advanced Novice 1
26 yes 3.57 Advanced Advanced 1
19 yes 1.98 Advanced Advanced 0
>>> # Example 1:
>>> # Create the user defined function to increase the 'gpa' by the
>>> # percentage provided. Note that the input to and the output
>>> # from the function is a pandas Series object.
>>> def increase_gpa(row, p=20):
... row['gpa'] = row['gpa'] + row['gpa'] * p/100
... return row
>>> # Apply the user defined function to the DataFrame.
>>> # Note that since the output of the user defined function
>>> # expects the same columns with the same types, we can skip
>>> # passing the 'returns' argument.
>>> increase_gpa_20 = df.map_row(increase_gpa)
>>> # Print the result.
>>> print(increase_gpa_20)
masters gpa stats programming admitted
22 yes 4.152 Novice Beginner 0
36 no 3.600 Advanced Novice 0
15 yes 4.800 Advanced Advanced 1
38 yes 3.180 Advanced Beginner 1
5 no 4.128 Novice Novice 0
17 no 4.596 Advanced Advanced 1
34 yes 4.620 Advanced Beginner 0
13 no 4.800 Advanced Novice 1
26 yes 4.284 Advanced Advanced 1
19 yes 2.376 Advanced Advanced 0
>>> # Example 2:
>>> # Use the same user defined function with a lambda notation to
>>> # pass the percentage, 'p = 40'.
>>> increase_gpa_40 = df.map_row(lambda row: increase_gpa(row,
... p = 40))
>>> print(increase_gpa_40)
masters gpa stats programming admitted
22 yes 4.844 Novice Beginner 0
36 no 4.200 Advanced Novice 0
15 yes 5.600 Advanced Advanced 1
38 yes 3.710 Advanced Beginner 1
5 no 4.816 Novice Novice 0
17 no 5.362 Advanced Advanced 1
34 yes 5.390 Advanced Beginner 0
13 no 5.600 Advanced Novice 1
26 yes 4.998 Advanced Advanced 1
19 yes 2.772 Advanced Advanced 0
>>> # Example 3:
>>> # Use the same user defined function with functools.partial to
>>> # pass the percentage, 'p = 50'.
>>> from functools import partial
>>> increase_gpa_50 = df.map_row(partial(increase_gpa, p = 50))
>>> print(increase_gpa_50)
masters gpa stats programming admitted
13 no 6.000 Advanced Novice 1
26 yes 5.355 Advanced Advanced 1
5 no 5.160 Novice Novice 0
19 yes 2.970 Advanced Advanced 0
15 yes 6.000 Advanced Advanced 1
40 yes 5.925 Novice Beginner 0
7 yes 3.495 Novice Novice 1
22 yes 5.190 Novice Beginner 0
36 no 4.500 Advanced Novice 0
38 yes 3.975 Advanced Beginner 1
>>> # Example 4:
>>> # Use a lambda function to increase the 'gpa' by 50 percent, and
>>> # return numpy ndarray.
>>> from numpy import asarray
>>> inc_gpa_lambda = lambda row, p=20: asarray([row['id'],
... row['masters'],
... row['gpa'] + row['gpa'] * p/100,
... row['stats'],
... row['programming'],
... row['admitted']])
>>> increase_gpa_100 = df.map_row(lambda row: inc_gpa_lambda(row,
... p=100))
>>> print(increase_gpa_100)
masters gpa stats programming admitted
13 no 8.00 Advanced Novice 1
26 yes 7.14 Advanced Advanced 1
5 no 6.88 Novice Novice 0
19 yes 3.96 Advanced Advanced 0
15 yes 8.00 Advanced Advanced 1
40 yes 7.90 Novice Beginner 0
7 yes 4.66 Novice Novice 1
22 yes 6.92 Novice Beginner 0
36 no 6.00 Advanced Novice 0
38 yes 5.30 Advanced Beginner 1