teradataml.opensource.sklearn._class.Sklearn = class Sklearn(_OpenSource) | ||
DESCRIPTION: Interface object to access exposed classes and functions of scikit-learn opensource package. All the classes and functions can be run and attributes can be accessed using the object created by "td_sklearn" interface object. Refer Teradata Python Package User Guide for more information about OpenML and exposed interface objects. PARAMETERS: None RETURNS: None EXAMPLES: # Load example data. >>> load_example_data("openml", ["test_classification", "test_prediction"]) >>> df = DataFrame("test_classification") >>> df.head(3) col2 col3 col4 label col1 -2.560430 0.402232 -1.100742 -2.959588 0 -3.587546 0.291819 -1.850169 -4.331055 0 -3.697436 1.576888 -0.461220 -3.598652 0 >>> df_test = DataFrame("test_prediction") >>> df_test.head(3) col2 col3 col4 col1 -2.560430 0.402232 -1.100742 -2.959588 -3.587546 0.291819 -1.850169 -4.331055 -3.697436 1.576888 -0.461220 -3.598652 # Get the feature and label data. >>> df_x_clasif = df.select(df.columns[:-1]) >>> df_y_clasif = df.select(df.columns[-1]) >>> from teradataml import td_sklearn >>> dt_cl = td_sklearn.DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=0) >>> dt_cl DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=0) # Set the paramaters. >>> dt_cl.set_params(random_state=2, max_features="sqrt") DecisionTreeClassifier(max_features='sqrt', random_state=2) # Get the paramaters. >>> dt_cl.get_params() {'ccp_alpha': 0.0, 'class_weight': None, 'criterion': 'gini', 'max_depth': None, 'max_features': 'sqrt', 'max_leaf_nodes': None, 'min_impurity_decrease': 0.0, 'min_impurity_split': None, 'min_samples_leaf': 1, 'min_samples_split': 2, 'min_weight_fraction_leaf': 0.0, 'random_state': 2, 'splitter': 'best'} # Train the model using fit(). >>> dt_cl.fit(df_x_clasif, df_y_clasif) DecisionTreeClassifier(max_features='sqrt', random_state=2) # Perform prediction. >>> dt_cl.predict(df_test) col1 col2 col3 col4 decisiontreeclassifier_predict_1 0 1.105026 -1.949894 -1.537164 0.073171 1 1 1.878349 0.577289 1.795746 2.762539 1 2 -1.130582 -0.020296 -0.710234 -1.440991 0 3 -1.243781 0.280821 -0.437933 -1.379770 0 4 -0.509793 0.492659 0.248207 -0.309591 1 5 -0.345538 -2.296723 -2.811807 -1.993113 0 6 0.709217 -1.481740 -1.247431 -0.109140 0 7 -1.621842 1.713381 0.955084 -0.885921 1 8 2.425481 -0.549892 0.851440 2.689135 1 9 1.780375 -1.749949 -0.900142 1.061262 0 # Perform scoring. >>> dt_cl.score(df_x_clasif, df_y_clasif) score 0 1.0 # Access few attributes. >>> dt_cl.classes_ array([0., 1.]) >>> dt_cl.feature_importances_ array([0.06945187, 0.02 , 0.67786339, 0.23268474]) >>> dt_cl.max_features_ 2 | ||
Methods defined here:
Methods inherited from _OpenSource:
Data descriptors inherited from _OpenSource: