tdplyr is focused on integrating and scaling dplyr with Teradata Vantage to solve challenges in data analysis.
The main goals are to:
Enable data scientists to work effectively with the data in Teradata Vantage.
Provide a growing list of analytic functions to leverage in-database analytics.
To learn more about tdplyr, start with the vignettes:
browseVignettes(package = "tdplyr")
Use the help command to view the list of exported functions:
help(package = "tdplyr")
To learn more about dplyr, start with the vignettes:
browseVignettes(package = "dplyr")
Package options
Sets the Database output when printing tbls
Package options for dplyr related packages
Options from the dplyr package
Forces an error if dplyr doesn't know how to map a function when translating SQL if TRUE. FALSE by default.
Options from the tibble package
Sets minimum amount of rows to print by default
Glossary of Terms
Teradata tbl object: Refers to the object created using the tbl()
function of the "dplyr" package,
when the function is invoked with a Teradata connection.
Teradata tbl is an object of class "tbl_teradata".
For example, to create a Teradata tbl object from an existing table "TABLE1" with a connection "con",
use the command: dplyr::tbl(con, "TABLE1")