The Variable Transformation analysis reads the input data in tbl_teradata
object and produces an output containing transformed columns. This is useful
when preparing data for input to an analytic algorithm. For example,
a K-Means Clustering algorithm typically produces better results when the
input columns are first converted to their Z-Score values to put all input
variables on an equal footing, regardless of their magnitude.
Function supports the following transformations:
Binning - replaces a continuous numeric column with a categorical one to produce ordinal values (for example, numeric categorical values where order is meaningful).
Derive - allows you to enter free-form formulas based on columns within a table. It requires the free-form transformation to be specified as a formula using operators, arguments, and functions.
One Hot Encoding - re-expresses a categorical data element as one or more numeric data elements and creates a binary numeric field for each categorical data value.
Null Replacement - defines how missing values are treated.
Label Encoding - allows to re-express existing values of a categorical data column (variable) into a new coding scheme or to correct data quality problems and focus an analysis on a value.
Min-Max Scaling - limits the upper and lower boundaries of the data in a continuous numeric column using a linear rescaling function based on maximum and minimum data values.
Retain - allows copying of one or more columns into the final analytic data set.
Sigmoid - provides rescaling of continuous numeric data using a type of sigmoid or s-shaped function.
ZScore - provides rescaling of continuous numeric data using Z-Scores.
td_transform_valib(data, bins=NULL, derive=NULL,,
fillna=NULL, label.encode=NULL, rescale=NULL,
retain=NULL, sigmoid=NULL, zscore=NULL, ...)
data |
Required Argument. |
bins |
Optional Argument. |
derive |
Optional Argument. | |
Optional Argument. |
fillna |
Optional Argument. |
label.encode |
Optional Argument. |
rescale |
Optional Argument. |
retain |
Optional Argument. |
sigmoid |
Optional Argument. |
zscore |
Optional Argument. |
... |
Specifies other arguments supported by the function as described in the 'Other Arguments' section. |
Function returns result based on transformation object passed. Named list member can be referenced directly with the "$" operator using name: result.
Other Arguments
Optional Argument.
Specifies whether a mirrored copy of underlying table of
output tbl_teradata is required or not.
Default Value: FALSE
Types: logical
Optional Argument.
Specifies the name(s) of the output column(s) to be
used as index in output tbl_teradata.
Types: character OR vector of Strings (character)
Optional Argument.
Specifies whether the underlying output table should
contain a unique primary index or not.
Default Value: FALSE
Types: logical
Optional Argument.
Specifies the name(s) of the column(s) that can be
unique key in input and output tbl_teradata. When
null replacement is requested, i.e., "fillna"
argument is used either in tdFillNa
transformation or in combination with a
, tdDerive
, td_LabelEncoder
, tdSigmoid
transformation, the "key.columns"
argument must be specified.
Types: character OR vector of Strings (character)
Optional Argument.
Specifies whether output should contain
duplicate rows or not.
Types: logical
Optional Argument.
Specifies whether the underlying output table should contain
no index columns. When TRUE, output table does not contain
index columns.
When this argument is set to TRUE, "allow.duplicates" must also be set to TRUE.
Types: logical
Optional Argument.
Specifies the clause to filter rows selected for
For example,
filter = "cust_id > 0"
Types: character
See Also
, tdBinning
, tdDerive
, tdLabelEncoder
, tdSigmoid
, tdZScore
# 1. To run any transformation, user needs to use td_transform_valib()
# function.
# 2. To do so set option 'val.install.location' to the database name
# where Vantage analytic library functions are installed.
# 3. Datasets used in these examples can be loaded using Vantage Analytic
# Library installer.
# Set the option 'val.install.location'.
options(val.install.location = "SYSLIB")
# Get remote data source connection.
con <- td_get_context()$connection
# Create object(s) of class "tbl_teradata".
customer <- tbl(con, "customer")
# Example of running individual transformations can be found in the example
# sections for each Transformation.
# Binning performed on column 'income' with different number of bins.
bin_1 <- tdBinning(style="bins", value=3, columns=list("income"="inc1"))
bin_2 <- tdBinning(style="bins", value=4, columns=list("income"="inc2"))
bin_3 <- tdBinning(style="bins", value=5, columns=list("income"="inc3"))
# Derive transformation done on 'age' column with different arithmetic
# formula.
derive_1 <- tdDerive(formula="x/10", columns="age", out.column="age1")
derive_2 <- tdDerive(formula="x*10", columns="age", out.column="age2")
derive_3 <- tdDerive(formula="x+10", columns="age", out.column="age3")
# One hot encoding done for values in columns 'gender' and 'marital_status'.
dc_1 <- tdOneHotEncoder(values=list("M", "F"), column="gender")
dc_2 <- tdOneHotEncoder(values=list(1, 2, 3, 4), column="marital_status")
# Replace null values in column 'street_nbr', by using 'literal' and 'mean'
# null style.
fillna_1 <- tdFillNa(style="literal", value=0, columns="street_nbr")
fillna_2 <- tdFillNa(columns=list("street_nbr"="street_nbr2"))
# Recode values in column 'marital_status', using different coding schemes.
rc_1 <- tdLabelEncoder(values=list("1"="S", "2"="M", "3"="S", "4"="S"),
default="SAME", columns=list("marital_status"="mar1"))
rc_2 <- tdLabelEncoder(values=list("1"="B", "2"="A", "3"="B", "4"="B"),
default=NULL, columns=list("marital_status"="mar2"))
# Values in column 'age' are rescaled using MinMaxScalar using
# 1. Both lower bound and upper bound,
# 2. Only lower bound,
# 3. Only upper bound.
rs_1 <- tdMinMaxScalar(lbound=0, ubound=100, columns=list("age"="age4"))
rs_2 <- tdMinMaxScalar(lbound=0, ubound=None, columns=list("age"="age5"))
rs_3 <- tdMinMaxScalar(lbound=None, ubound=100, columns=list("age"="age6"))
# Rescale values in column "nbr_children" using various sigmoid functions.
sig_1 <- tdSigmoid(style="logit", columns=list("nbr_children"="nbr1"))
sig_2 <- tdSigmoid(style="modifiedlogit", columns=list("nbr_children"="nbr2"))
sig_3 <- tdSigmoid(style="tanh", columns=list("nbr_children"="nbr3"))
# Rescale values in column 'years_with_bank' using Z-Score values.
zscore <- tdZScore(columns=list("years_with_bank"="ywb"))
# Retain columns 'income', 'age', 'years_with_bank' and 'nbr_children' in the
# transformed output.
retain <- tdRetain(columns=list("income", "age", "years_with_bank",
# Execute the td_transform_valib() function.
obj <- td_transform_valib(data=customer,
bins=c(bin_1, bin_2, bin_3),
derive=c(derive_1, derive_2, derive_3),, dc_2),
fillna=c(fillna_1, fillna_2),
label.encode=c(rc_1, rc_2),
rescale=c(rs_1, rs_2),
sigmoid=c(sig_1, sig_2, sig_3),
# Print the results.