This function removes external language script or model file from Vantage. On success, it prints a message that the file is removed.
td_remove_file(file.identifier = NULL, force.remove = FALSE)
file.identifier |
Required Argument. |
force.remove |
Optional Argument. |
None. Prints message if the operation is successful.
See Also
# Note:
# 1. Connection must be established before running these examples.
# 2. File can be on client or remote database server.
# 3. Files mentioned in the examples are part of the package and can be found at
# package install location as shown in the below examples.
# Replace "<tdplyr_install_location>" with the absolute path of the install location of the
# tdplyr library. One can get this location using '.libPaths()'.
# Make sure to include 'tdplyr' in the path. For example, <r_pkg_install_location>/tdplyr.
tdplyr_install_location <- "<tdplyr_install_location>"
# Example 1: Remove text file.
# Run the following before removing file.
td_install_file(file.identifier = 'mapper1',
file.path.loc = file.path(tdplyr_install_location, "scripts", "mapper.R"))
# Remove the file 'mapper1'.
td_remove_file(file.identifier='mapper1', force.remove = TRUE)
# Example 2: Remove binary file.
# Run the following before removing file.
file.path.loc = file.path(tdplyr_install_location, "scripts",
file.on.client = TRUE,
is.binary = TRUE)
# Remove the file 'binaryfile1'.
td_remove_file(file.identifier = 'binaryfile1', force.remove = TRUE)