Validating ServiceConnect Configuration in the Deployed Site PSIMs - Validating ServiceConnect Configuration - Teradata® VantageCloud Enterprise on AWS

VantageCloud Enterprise on AWS (DIY) Installation and Administration Guide - 2.4

Teradata® VantageCloud Enterprise on AWS
Release Number
April 2024
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category

Login to any PSIM in the Site, sudo to root (sudo su -) and run the following command to display the ServiceConnect settings. Serviceconnect instance configured should be as follows on

The Gateway (GTW) and File Upload (TVI) devices listed should match the names as provided in the previous form.

# psim-settings
SiteID: <Site-Id>
Serviceconnect configured:
PSIM 1_1_1_1
  Gateway:       BIGFISTH_GTW1
  File Upload:   BIGFISH_TVI1
  Remote Access: BIGFISH_PSIM1
PSIM 1_2_2_2
  Gateway:       BIGFISH_GTW2
  File Upload:   BIGFISH_TVI2
  Remote Access: BIGFISH_PSIM2

Validation Procedures for Standard PSIM

PSIM for cloud no longer integrates a Web UI by default. A set of CLI tools may be used for validation.

  1. Log in to the PSIM shell and attain root credentials
  2. Validate that the SiteID is configured as expected based on provisioning procedure, or configure a SiteID. You will need to set one to perform further validations.
  3. Validate that ServiceConnect is configured as expected based on provisioning procedure.
  4. Customer Systems should be registered with the PROD instance of the Server, currently Preregistration of sites in PROD is required by the ITS Team in order for the connection to be operational.
  5. Validate the health of the PSIM cluster by invoking a health check.
To validate, use psim-config.

Run psim-config using the check-health option and assure the configuration is as expected and the health check result is HEALTHY.

psim-config --check-health # psim-config --check-health
SiteID is <site-id>
Admin password has been set
ServiceConnect is configured to PROD
Running Healthcheck
This may take several minutes to finish
Waiting for healthcheck to be available
Waiting for healthcheck to complete...
Healthcheck Result: HEALTHY

If you configuration is as expected, but your cluster is UNHEALTHY, capture the command output and report it.

Validate that all the managed nodes and PSIMs are in a good operational state and basic functionality is assured.

Validate the ecosystem operational state by running psim-ecosystem-state
# psim-ecosystem-state
All 5 Nodes in Contact - OK
Database TDLabs - OK : RUN/STARTED
-- Summary --
PSIM - 2 nodes total
TPA - 1 nodes total
Ecosystem - 2 nodes total

Validate that there are no Nodes including PSIMs in any State other than OK.

If there are any that are not in OK state, validate that the nodes/PSIMs are up and responding at the configured IP addresses, or if you need help, collect the support files and report it.

For Ecosystem templates (SQLE+Components), the PSIM instance loses its configuration during the Stop and Start operations.

Follow the steps in Generate Metadata Files in PSIM Configuration to reconfigure the PSIM instance back to the stack.