Manual in-doubt resolution is necessary when automatic in-doubt resolution is unavailable or unsuccessful.
When the control region is restarted and there are still in-doubt units of recovery left, the master console will display the following IMS message: DSNM004I.
You can find out about in-doubt sessions and manually resolve them using any of the following means:
- The TPCCONS utility on the system console (see Teradata Vantage™ - Database Utilities, B035-1102).
- A CLIv2 application that logs on to the Resolver Base Module and resolves in-doubt sessions using TPCCONS commands (see Teradata Vantage™ - Database Utilities, B035-1102).
- The TDP commands DISPLAY INDOUBT, COMMIT, and ROLLBACK (see Teradata® Director Program Reference, B035-2416).
- IMS log records for a unit of recovery.
In addition, you can use many of the monitoring, accounting, and tuning facilities within IMS/VS.