Add a Connector Link | QueryGrid - Adding a Link - Teradata QueryGrid

QueryGridâ„¢ Installation and User Guide - 3.06

Teradata QueryGrid
Release Number
December 2024
Product Category
Analytical Ecosystem
  1. Under Fabric Configuration, select Fabrics and select the fabric you want to add a link.
  2. Select the Links tab.
  3. Select "" next to Links.
  4. Enter a name, up to 256 characters.
  5. Enter a description, up to 1,000 characters.
  6. From Bridge configuration, select one of the following:
    Option Description
    No bridges A bridge is not used for this link. The hop is between the initiator and target.
    Single bridge A single bridge is used for this link. A query is sent from the initiator to the bridge (Hop 1), and from the bridge to the target (Hop 2). A query is returned in the reverse order.
    Dual bridge A dual bridge is used for this link. A query is sent from the initiator to bridge 1 (Hop 1), from bridge 1 to bridge 2 (Hop 2), and from bridge 2 to the target (Hop 3). The query is returned in the reverse order.
  7. From Initiating Connector, do the following:
    1. In the Connector name list, select an initiating connector that sends the queries.
    2. In the Threads per query box, enter a number for the number of query tasks to be used during data transfer at the initiating system.
      The default is 1. Supported values are 1 to 5.
  8. Select "" next to Initiating Connector.
  9. In Select Initiating Connector Properties, do one or more of the following:
    Option Description
    1. Select the check box to customize the values for an initiating connector property.

      When the check box is cleared, QueryGrid is designated to use the default values for a property

    1. [Optional] Select the check box to designate that the normally configured values for the initiator connector property can be overridden when a user starts queries during individual processing sessions.
      After you select the check box, it cannot be cleared.
      After designating a property as overridable at the connector level (on the Connectors tab), the designation stays in effect even if you do not designate it as overridable at the link level.

      In order to disable the setting for an initiator or target connector, you must clear the check box at both the link level and connector level.

      For these reasons, it might be preferable to designate a property as overridable only at link level, depending on the requirements specific to the link.

  10. Select OK to save the configuration.
    Under Initiating Connector, all properties you set to customize appear.

    Each property is required until you clear the check box.

  11. Modify each setting to govern how the initiator connector operates in this link pairing.
  12. If you selected a Single bridge or Dual bridge configuration, do the following for each bridge:
    1. In the Bridge name list, select the bridge system.
    2. In the Threads per query box, enter a number for the number of query tasks to be used during data transfer at each bridge system.
      The default is 1. Supported values are 1 to 5.
  13. For each hop, add an Initiating network:
    Option Description
    Select an initiating network
    1. Select an existing network from the list.
    Add a new initiating network and select it
    1. Select "" next to Initiating network to add the network you want this link to send queries over.
    2. Enter a name, up to 256 characters.
    3. Enter a description, up to 1,000 characters.
    4. In the Matching rules list, select one of the following:
      • CIDR notation
      • Interface name
    5. [Optional] Select "" next to Matching rules to add more rules.
    6. [Optional] Select "" to remove an existing rule.
    7. Select Save.
    8. Select the network from the list you just added.
  14. For each hop, add a Target network.
    Do similar steps performed to add an initiating network.
  15. For each hop, do one of the following to add a Communication policy:
    Option Description
    Select a communication policy
    1. Select a policy from the list.
    Add a communication policy and select it
    1. Select "" next to Communication Policy.
    2. Enter a name, up to 256 characters.
    3. Enter a description, up to 1,000 characters.
    4. Enter an integer from 1 and 5 to set the number of data transfer streams to run simultaneously.

      The default value is 1.

      For more information, see Adding a Communication Policy.

    5. Select Save.
    6. Select the policy you just added for Communication policy.
  16. From Target Connector, do the following:
    1. In the Connector name list, select a target connector to receive queries from.
    2. In the Threads per query box, enter a number for the number of query tasks to be used during data transfer at the target system.
      The default is 1. Supported values are 1 to 5.
  17. Select "" next to Target Connector.
  18. In Select Target Connector Properties, follow the same process as noted for the Initiating Connector.
  19. Select OK to save the configuration.
    Under Target Connector, all properties you selected to customize appear.
  20. Modify each setting to govern how the target connector operates in this link pairing.
  21. [Optional] Select a User mapping to use over this link.
    User mapping enables a specific user on an initiating system to submit queries as a specific user on a target system.
  22. [Optional] Select Enable debug logging for initiating user if you have a query or set of queries that are failing or not performing correctly for a particular database user for an unknown reason.
    If you enable this option and have the user run the query again, detailed logging is captured by QueryGrid Manager.

    Use Info for debugging performance issues and Debug for debugging incorrect or failing behavior. A Teradata Technical Support Specialist can then use this information to troubleshoot the issue.

  23. [Optional] Select Enable acknowledgements to have QueryGrid re-establish connections that break due to transient network errors.
  24. Select Save.