When completing the Presto connector installation on systems using Viewpoint 16.20, if you do not want to provide SSH credentials in the QueryGrid portlet, use the following procedure to:
- Run the installation script on the control node that uses Ansible to distribute the JAR files to all the nodes and use the Starburst Admin playbook to restart Presto.
- Verify the installation.
Presto is restarted as part of the installation process.
Starting with QueryGrid 2.06, the presto qgremote and qginitiator JAR files are combined in the loaderfactory JAR file.
- Copy the install.sh script from the following path on a Presto node and paste in the control node where Starburst Admin is installed:
- Log on as an Administrator on the control node.
- Change the directory to where the install.sh script was copied:
- Run ./install.sh by providing the required inputs, for example:.
./install.sh --starburst_admin_loc /root/sp/trino/admin/ansible_collections/starburst/admin --inventory_hosts_file /root/sp/trino/admin/ansible_collections/starburst/admin/playbooks/hosts_681 --connector_bin_loc /opt/teradata/tdqg/connector/tdqg-presto-connector/ --starburst_install_loc /usr/lib/starburst
The script deploys the .jar files to the SEP plugin directory (default /usr/lib/starburst/plugin) and uses Starburst Admin playbook to restart Presto. - Verify successful execution of the install.sh script as indicated by lack of displayed errors.
- [Optional] Verify the loader-factory-version.jar file is installed to applicable directories:
tdh234m1:~ # ls /usr/lib/starburst/plugin/qgplugin/loader-factory-version.jar