- Specifies the behavior of the target connector component
- Configures how data is transformed
- Configures the underlying link data transportation layer
Links are named configurations that include the target connector. If the same property is set for a link and a connector, the link setting overrides the connector setting.
Basic Tab
Oracle Connector | |||
Name | Default | Description | Overridable? Property Name |
Server | None | This is the IP address or DNS name of the target host and is a required property. Can use multiple hostnames when the port number is the same. Multiple hostnames are separated by a comma and can contain a space in-between. For example: instance1.example.com, instance2.example.com. When the input string begins with @, the input is used as an Oracle Easy Connect (EZConnect) substring leaving off the prepended user and password, and input in the Port and SID fields are ignored. This allows for multiple hostnames with different port numbers or customization of the connection parameters. For example: @tcp://instance1.example.com:1521,instance2.example.com:1522,instance3.example.com:1523/sales. When using the input string starting with @, make sure the full connect descriptor has the correct syntax of the Oracle Easy Connect (EZConnect) naming method, such as using lower case for the parameter name. QueryGrid does not do any case conversion of the EZConnect substring. |
Port | 1521 | The port is ignored when an EZConnect substring is provided in the Server field. Port validation is required if an EZConnect substring is not used. |
Database Version | None | This property is required and available for users who do not have permission to access the dictionary views that can provide this information dynamically. | |
SID or ServiceName | None | The SID is ignored when an EZConnect substring is provided in the Server field. SID validation is required if an EZConnect substring is not used. |
Schema Name | None | Schema name provided in the user query. If no schema value is entered, the system adds the username as the default. |
Security Tab
Oracle Connector | |||
Name | Default | Description | Overridable? Property Name |
Authentication Mechanism | DB Password | Lists the security method used on the target system. Valid values are DB Password, OS Authentication, SSL, or Kerberos. |
Username | None | Name of the user or service account for Kerberos authentication. | |
Password | None | The password of the user or
service account credential. Maximum length is 255 characters. |
Keytab | None | Absolute path for the Kerberos keytab file. | |
Role Support | False | Enable user role support for the target system. When set to true, the user role from the initiator or target based on role mapping is applied to the target system and any errors are returned back to the user. When set to false, roles are not applied to the target system. | ● roleSupport |
Encryption Type | None | Encryption mechanism. Valid values are NONE, SSL, and NNE. |
SSL Peer Authentication Mode | None | Valid values are None, Server, or Both. | |
SSL Server DN Name | None | The Server Distinguished Name to match. When SSL authentication is set to Server or Both, you can optionally choose to match the distinguished name in addition to the server authentication. When ssl_server_cert_dn is specified in the EZConnect substring, such as @tcps://instance-scan.example.com:1521/sales?ssl_server_cert_dn=“cn=sdl50818,dc=oracle,dc=local”, it takes precedence over the SSL Server DN Name in the connector property. |
Trust Store File | None | The Trust Store File is used when SSL authentication is set to Both. This field is ignored when wallet_location is specified in an Oracle EZConnect substring, such as @tcps://instance-scan.example.com:1521/sales?wallet_location="/root/clientwallet/cwallet.sso". |
Trust Store Password | None | The Trust Store Password is used when SSL authentication is set to Both. This field is ignored when wallet_location is specified in an Oracle EZConnect substring, such as @tcps://instance-scan.example.com:1521/sales?wallet_location="/root/clientwallet/cwallet.sso". |
Trust Store Type | None | The Trust Store Type is used when SSL authentication is set to Both. Valid values are JKS, PKCS12, and SSO. This field is ignored when wallet_location is specified in an Oracle EZConnect substring, such as @tcps://instance-scan.example.com:1521/sales?wallet_location="/root/clientwallet/cwallet.sso". |
Key Store Path | None | The Key Store Path is applicable when SSL authentication is on the server or both the server and target system. This field is ignored when wallet_location is specified in an Oracle EZConnect substring, such as @tcps://instance-scan.example.com:1521/sales?wallet_location="/root/clientwallet/cwallet.sso". |
Key Store Password | None | The Key Store Password is applicable when SSL authentication is on the server or both the server and target system. This field is ignored when wallet_location is specified in an Oracle EZConnect substring, such as @tcps://instance-scan.example.com:1521/sales?wallet_location="/root/clientwallet/cwallet.sso". |
Key Store Type | JKS | The Key Store Type is applicable when SSL authentication is on the server or both the server and target system. Valid values are JKS, PKCS12, and SSO. This field is ignored when wallet_location is specified in an Oracle EZConnect substring, such as @tcps://instance-scan.example.com:1521/sales?wallet_location="/root/clientwallet/cwallet.sso". |
NNE Encryption Level | Accepted | Encryption level for NNE. Valid values are Accepted, Rejected, Requested, and Required. |
NNE Encryption Types | AES256, AES192, AES128, 3DES168, 3DES112, DES56C, DES40C, RC4_256, RC4_128, RC4_40, RC4_56 | List of the encryption algorithms used by the database instance. | |
NNE Integrity Level | Accepted | Checksum level for data integrity (for NNE). Valid values are Accepted, Rejected, Requested, and Required. |
NNE Integrity Types | sha1, md5, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512 | Checksum algorithm for data integrity validation (for NNE). |
Query Engine Tab
Oracle Connector | |||
Name | Default | Description | Overridable? Property Name |
Collect Metrics | False | Collect query metrics from the Oracle Resource Manager for QueryGrid metadata and run queries. | ● collectMetrics |
Character Set | AL32UTF8 | Database character set for CHAR, VARCHAR, and
CLOB. This property is available for users who do not have permission to access the dictionary views that can provide this information dynamically. The default is UTF8 if a value is not provided. |
Advanced Tab
Oracle Connector | |||
Name | Default | Description | Overridable? Property Name |
Temporary Schema Name | None | The temporary database name for table creation. | ● tempDbName |
Enable Logging | INFO | Logging level for the connector or link properties. User level log settings can be explicitly set through the add or edit link page in the QueryGrid portlet. Valid values are NONE, WARN, INFO, and DEBUG. |
Default String Size | 32000 characters | The VARCHAR truncation size. The value represents the maximum number of Unicode characters to import, and defaults to 32000 characters. QueryGrid truncates the string columns at the default value set in defaultStringSize if less than the actual column size. Valid values are 1–1048544000 characters. |
● defaultStringSize |
Default Binary Size | 64000 bytes | The VARBINARY truncation size.
Valid values are 1–2097088000 bytes. |
● defaultBinarySize |
Number of Transfer Threads | 3 | Number of threads used to process data at the same time during a single request. | ● numberOfTransferThread |
Fetch Size | 1000 | Number of rows JDBC can pull from a database at a time. Valid values are 1–10000. |
● fetchSize |
Batch Size | 1000 | Number of rows to insert into the database at a time. Valid values are 100–10000. | ● batchSize |
Preserve Case | False | Preserve the case sensitivity of object names. When set to true, the database, table, role, and user names are kept in the format they are written (upper, lower, or mixed case). When set to false, all objects convert to upper case when sent to the Oracle database. |
● preserveCase |
Link Buffer Count | 4 | Maximum number of write buffers
available on a single channel at one time. Link Buffer Count overrides the
default internal fabric property
Valid values are 2–16. |
● linkBufferCount |
Response Timeout | 86400000 | The number of milliseconds to wait for the target query to complete before timing out and stopping the operation. The fabric stops and releases all resources associated with queries whose duration exceeds the value set on the target link properties or the target connector properties. Connectors timeout when responses from the fabric exceed their response timeout value. Valid values are 300000–172800000. |
● responseTimeout |
Connection Max Idle Time | 86400 seconds | The maximum idle time for the connection cache object, after which the object is closed and removed from the cache. Use this property when there are multiple concurrent users and queries running on the system that might lead to starvation of connection objects. Valid values are 1–86400 seconds. |
Connection Pool Size | 100 | Maximum number of connection objects that can be stored in a connection pool. When acquiring a new connection, the connector checks for an available space in the pool. If no space is available in the connection pool, the connection fails after 5 minutes. Only one connection pool and username per connector configuration is allowed. Valid values are 1–10000. |
Connection Evict Frequency | 30 minutes | Frequency of eviction checks. Connection objects from the pool are checked, closed, and removed if the idle time (current time - last time of use) of a connection object is greater than the Connection Max Idle Time setting. Reduce the time between checks if there are multiple concurrent users running queries to clear the connections more frequently. Valid values are 1–1440 minutes. |
Map Oracle Date to Teradata Date | False | When set to true, the Oracle date is mapped to the Teradata date type and the time is trimmed from the Oracle date columns. | ● mapOracleDateToTDDate |
Use Oracle Time Zone | False | When set to true, the time zone of the Oracle database is used across the systems. This applies to the date, time, and timestamp types and works only when Teradata Vantage is in UTC. | ● useOracleTimeZone |