Global Types to Hive Data Types
The initiator connector maps Hive data types to global.
Global Data Types denoted with an asterisk (*) are only available with Teradata Database 16.20 Feature Update 1 and later.
Global Data Type | Hive Data Type |
G_Array | Array |
G_Array_VC_UTF16 / G_Array_VC_Latin * | Array |
G_BigInt | Bigint |
G_Blob | Binary |
G_Boolean | Boolean |
G_Byte | Binary |
G_ByteInt | Tinyint |
G_Char_Latin Latin data type mapping is only for data types using ISO_8859_1 or US_ASCII encoding.
Char |
G_Char_UTF16 | Char |
G_Clob_Latin Latin data type mapping is only for data types using ISO_8859_1 or US_ASCII encoding.
String |
G_Clob_UTF16 | String |
G_Date | Date |
G_Decimal | Decimal |
G_Double | Double |
G_Float | Float |
G_Integer | Integer |
G_JSON_UTF16 / G_JSON_Latin * | String/Varchar |
G_Map | Map |
G_Number | Decimal |
G_Row | Struct |
G_STGeometry * | String/Varchar |
G_SmallInt | Smallint |
G_TimeStamp | Timestamp |
G_Varbyte | Binary |
G_Varchar_Latin Latin data type mapping is only for data types using ISO_8859_1 or US_ASCII encoding.
Varchar |
G_Varchar_UTF16 | Varchar |
G_XML * | String/Varchar |
Others | Currently not supported |
Hive Data Types to Global Types
The target connector maps Hive data types to global data types.
Hive Data Type | Global Data Type |
Array | G_Array |
Bigint | G_BigInt |
Binary | G_Blob |
Boolean | G_Boolean |
Char | G_Char_Latin Latin data type mapping is only for data types using ISO_8859_1 or US_ASCII encoding.
Char | G_Char_UTF16 |
Date | G_Date |
Decimal | G_Decimal |
Double | G_Double |
Float | G_Float |
Integer | G_Integer |
Map | G_Map |
Smallint | G_SmallInt |
String | G_Clob_Latin Latin data type mapping is only for data types using ISO_8859_1 or US_ASCII encoding.
String | G_Clob_UTF16 |
Struct | G_Row |
Timestamp | G_TimeStamp |
Tinyint | G_ByteInt |
Varchar | G_Varchar_Latin Latin data type mapping is only for data types using ISO_8859_1 or US_ASCII encoding.
Varchar | G_Varchar_UTF16 |
Others | Currently not supported |
Hive String and Binary Types Considerations
Hive String and Binary columns are restricted to a maximum 1GB in size. However, due to the in-memory nature of these types, a large amount of resources are required on the Hive side when their size nears the 1GB restriction. Therefore, caution is advised when inserting large Teradata CLOB or BLOB columns into the Hive String or Binary columns when using QueryGrid.