Global Types to Oracle Data Types
The initiator connector maps global data types to Oracle data types.
Global Data Type | Oracle Data Type |
G_Array | Varchar (Character Set Unicode) |
G_Array_VC_UTF16 / G_Array_VC_Latin | Array |
G_Bigint | Number |
G_Blob | Blob |
G_Boolean | Number(1) |
G_Byte | Long Raw |
G_ByteInt | Number(3) |
G_Char_Latin | Char (Character Set Latin) |
G_Char_UTF8 / G_Char_UTF16 | NChar |
G_Clob_Latin | Clob |
G_Clob_UTF8 / G_Clob_UTF16 | NClob |
G_Date | Date |
G_Decimal | Number |
G_Double | Binary_Double |
G_Float | Binary_Double |
G_Integer | Number(38) |
G_IntervalDayToSecond | Interval day to second |
G_IntervalYearToMonth | Interval year to month |
G_JSON_UTF16 / G_JSON | NVarchar2 |
G_JSON_Latin | Varchar2 |
G_Number | Number |
G_SmallInt | Number(38) |
G_Time | Varchar2(15) |
G_Timestamp | Timestamp |
G_TimestampWithTimeZone | Timestamp with time zone |
G_TimeWithTimeZone | Varchar2(21) |
G_IntervalYear | Varchar2(21) |
G_IntervalDay | Varchar2(21) |
G_IntervalDayToHour | Varchar2(21) |
G_IntervalDayToMinute | Varchar2(21) |
G_IntervalHour | Varchar2(21) |
G_IntervalHourToMinute | Varchar2(21) |
G_IntervalHourToSecond | Varchar2(21) |
G_IntervalMinute | Varchar2(21) |
G_IntervalMinuteToSecond | Varchar2(21) |
G_IntervalSecond | Varchar2(21) |
G_IntervalMonth | Varchar2(21) |
G_Varbyte | Long raw |
G_Varchar_Latin | Varchar2 (Character Set Latin) |
G_Varchar_UTF8 / G_Varchar_UTF16 | NVarchar2 (Character Set Unicode) |
G_XML | NVarchar2 |
Others | Not supported |
Oracle Data Types to Global Types
The target connector maps Oracle data types to global data types.
Oracle Data Type | Global Data Type |
Binary_Double | G_Double |
Binary_Float | G_Double |
Blob | G_Blob |
Char | G_Char_UTF16 / G_Char_Latin (based on charset) |
Clob | G_Clob_UTF16 / G_Clob_Latin (based on charset) |
Date | G_Timestamp |
Integer | G_Integer |
IntervalDS | G_IntervalDayToSecond |
IntervalYM | G_IntervalYearToMonth |
Long | G_Clob_UTF16 |
Long raw | G_Blob |
NChar | G_Char_UTF16 |
NClob | G_Clob_UTF16 |
Number / Float | G_Number |
Numeric | G_Number |
NVarchar2 | G_Varchar_UTF16 |
RAW | G_Varbyte |
Timestamp | G_Varbyte |
Timestamp with local time zone | G_TimeStamp |
Timestamp with time zone | G_TimestampWithTimeZone |
Varchar2 / Varchar | G_Varchar_UTF16 / G_Varchar_Latin (based on charset) |
Varray | G_Array User must have access to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE.
Others | Currently not supported |
Oracle Varchar and Binary Types Considerations
Oracle connector BLOB columns are restricted to a maximum 2GB and CLOB columns are restricted to a maximum 1GB in size. Due to the in-memory nature of these types, a large amount of resources are required on the Oracle side when their sizes near 1GB. Teradata recommends increasing the Oracle connector driver heap size when working with CLOB or BLOB types.