Global Types to Presto Data Types
The initiator connector maps global data types to Presto data types.
Global Data Types denoted with an asterisk (*) are only available with Teradata Database 16.20 Feature Update 1 and later.
Global Data Type | Presto Data Type |
G_Array | Array |
G_Array_VC_UTF16 / G_Array_VC_Latin * | Array |
G_Bigint | Bigint |
G_Blob | Varbinary |
G_Boolean | Boolean |
G_Byte | Varbinary |
G_ByteInt | Tinyint |
G_Char_UTF8/Latin | Char(n) |
G_Char_UTF16 | Char(n) |
G_Clob_UTF16/Latin | Varchar |
G_Date | Date |
G_Decimal | Decimal |
G_Double | Double |
G_Float | Real |
G_Integer | Integer |
G_JSON_UTF16 / G_JSON_Latin * | Varchar |
G_Longvargraphic | Varchar(n) |
G_Map | Varchar (Character Set Unicode) |
G_Number | Decimal |
G_Row | Row |
G_SmallInt | Smallint |
G_STGeometry * | Varchar |
G_Time | Time |
G_Timestamp | Timestamp |
G_Varbyte | Varbinary |
G_Varchar_Latin | Varchar(n) |
G_Varchar_UTF8 | Varchar(n) |
G_Varchar_UTF16 | Varchar(n) |
G_Varchargraphic | Varchar(n) |
G_XML * | Varchar |
Others | Currently not supported |
Presto Data Types to Global Types
The target connector maps Presto data types to global data types.
Presto Data Type | Global Data Type |
Array | G_Array |
Bigint | G_BigInt |
Boolean | Boolean |
Char(n) | G_Char_UTF16 |
Date | G_Date |
Decimal | G_Decimal |
Double | G_Double |
Integer | G_Integer |
Interval day to second | G_IntervalDayToSecond |
Interval year to month | G_IntervalYearToMonth |
Json | G_Json |
Map | G_Map |
Row | G_Row |
Smallint | G_SmallInt |
Time | G_Time |
Time with time zone | G_TimeWithTimeZone |
Timestamp | G_TimeStamp |
Timestamp with time zone | G_TimeStampWithTimeZone |
Tinyint | G_Tinyint |
Varbinary | G_Blob |
Varchar | G_Clob_UTF16/Latin |
Varchar(n) | G_Varchar_UTF16 |
Others | Currently not supported |
Presto String and Binary Types Considerations
Presto connector has a restricted maximum size for the following column types:
- BLOB – 2GB
- CLOB – 2GB-1
- VARCHAR – 64k
Teradata testing has found that Presto contains the exchange.http-client.max-content-length property which needs to be set high enough for Presto to transfer a large data page. There is a known limit in current Presto release which limit CLOB and BLOB data to 1.7GB.