Complete these steps to verify a Presto-to-Teradata link. For example, for a Presto-to-Teradata link:
- Log on as the Presto user to master node on which the Presto connector is installed.
- Confirm setup of the Presto-to-Teradata link properties file by invoking the Trino CLI, then running SHOW CATALOGS. For example, for a Presto-to-Teradata connector link:
tdh234m1:~ # trino-cli --server localhost:8090 trino> use hive.testuser; trino:testuser> show catalogs;
The following output indicates that the Presto-to-Teradata link properties file tdh234m1sdld0461_active is set up and recognized as a catalog by Presto:Catalog ------------------------- hive system tdh234m1sdld0461_active tpch
- Retrieve all databases on a Teradata system by running SHOW SCHEMAS FROM <catalog_name>. For example:
trino:testuser> show schemas from tdh234m1sdld0461_active;
The following output indicates retrieval of all databases including system databases that reside on the target Teradata system:Schema ------------------------- PUBLIC SQLJ SYSBAR … testuser …
- Retrieve all tables in a Teradata system by running SHOW TABLES FROM <catalog_name>.<schema_name>. For example:
trino:testuser> show tables from tdh234m1sdld0461_active.testuser;
The following output indicates retrieval of all tables in the testuser database that reside on the target Teradata system:Schema ------------------------- testtable1 testtable2 …
- Confirm that enable_dynamic_filtering is set to false in Presto:show session
Confirm that dynamic filtering is disabled, if not set to false. Teradata recommends performing one of the options described in Disabling Dynamic Filtering. You must restart the Presto server for modifications to a configuration file to take effect.