Foreign Server Library API | Spark SQL Initiator Connector | QueryGrid - Foreign Server Library API Reference for the Spark SQL Initiator Connector - Teradata QueryGrid

QueryGrid™ Installation and User Guide - 3.06

Teradata QueryGrid
Release Number
December 2024
Product Category
Analytical Ecosystem

The Spark SQL initiator connector provides an easy-to-use, Java-based Foreign Server library. The library defines a "wrapper" Foreign Server class. The class contains a Foreign Server constructor to create one or more unique Foreign Server objects. Each Foreign Server object contains a catalog of permanent non-native tables that are backed up by a cache file on HDFS after a session ends. The Spark SQL initiator connector also contains static and instance methods to interact with the temporary and permanent non-native tables in each Foreign Server object and to retrieve metadata from remote tables.

The Spark SQL engine does not have objects similar to Foreign Servers (Teradata) or Catalogs (Presto). Therefore, the Spark SQL initiator connector operates at the table level by default.

The primary functionalities provided by the Foreign Server Library are metadata discovery and management. It does not change the SQL syntax for import, export, and explain queries. The ForeignServer.sql() and ForeignServer.getDataSetFromSql() are used to run SELECT, INSERT, and EXPLAIN statements. All syntax parameters are required when using the foreign server library, invalid or null parameters result in an error.
Before any part of the Foreign Server Library can be used, you must run the import tdqg.ForeignServer statement.
Name Parameter Description
ForeignServer String Link

String Version

String Name

Construct a new Foreign Server object using a QueryGrid link.
ForeignServer String Name Restore an existing Foreign Server.
Static Methods
showForeignServers List all Foreign Server names.
dropForeignServer String Name Drop a specified Foreign Server as well as all its non-native tables.
sql String SQL Run a SQL statement (SELECT/INSERT/EXPLAIN only) and display all rows in result.
getDatasetFromSql String SQL Run a SQL statement (SELECT/INSERT/EXPLAIN only) and return the Dataset<Row> object.
Instance Methods
showSchemas List all target schemas.
showTables String Schema List all tables under a target schema.
showColumns String Table Display the schema of a target table specified by a fully-qualified name (such as, schema.table or catalog.schema.table).
show List each non-native table (temporary or permanent) under this Foreign Server and which target table it represents.
show String Name Display the CREATE TABLE statement of a non-native table under this Foreign Server.
This only works for permanent non-native tables, and the database must be part of the name.
create String Table

String Name

Create a non-native table representing a target table (fully-qualified name) under this Foreign Server.
In order to create a permanent non-native table, the database must be part of the name.
drop String Name Drop a non-native table under this Foreign Server.
For permanent non-native tables, the database must be part of the name.
describe String Name Display the details of a non-native table under this Foreign Server.
For permanent non-native tables, the database must be part of the name.
setSessionOverride String Values Set the connector properties to be overridden for the session. Properties are case-insensitive and non-overridable properties are ignored.

Example: setSessionOverride("linkbuffersize=100000, numMappers=4")