The show() method can be called to view a catalog of all non-native table (permanent or temporary) created under the current Foreign Server object (does not require connection to remote). If a permanent non-native table name is passed to the show() method, then the complete CREATE TABLE statement for that non-native table is displayed.
scala> LINK: +-----------+--------------+------------+ |local_table|remote_table |is_temporary| +-----------+--------------+------------+ |nn2 |default.test |true | |default.nn1|user1.players |false | +-----------+--------------+------------+ scala>"default.nn1") +----------------------------------------------------------+ |createtab_stmt | +----------------------------------------------------------+ |CREATE TABLE `default`.`nn1` (`number` INT, `name` STRING) USING com.teradata.querygrid.qgc.spark OPTIONS ( `serialization.format` '1', `version` 'active', `link` 's2h', `table` 'user1.players' ) | +----------------------------------------------------------+