Base the settings in custom push profiles on workload and the recommendations of your Teradata Customer Support Representative.
This procedure shows how to use the following macros to create custom push profiles. - Copy macro (TD_COPY_PUSHPROFILE).
- Create a custom push profile.
Option Steps Copy and Overwrite the push profile - Copy the default push profile and rename it.In the following example, the default push profile HIVE_V1 is copied and renamed Hive_Custom1.
- Update the push profile.The following example uses the overwrite macro to overwrite an entire existing custom push profile (Hive_Custom1) with a new JSON specification.
EXECUTE TD_OVERWRITE_PUSHPROFILE('Hive_Custom1', new JSON(‘{"SourceProfile":"Hive_V1", "ColOp":[{"timestamp":false,"varbyte":false,"byte":false, "CompareOp":{"default":true,"GT":false,"LT":false}}], "AggrOp":{"count":false}}’))
- Copy the default push profile and rename it.