The attributes of a push profile are described in the following sections. Except where noted, the attributes are used in default push profiles and custom push profiles. Create custom push profiles and overrides with the help of a Teradata Customer Support Representative.
<SourceProfile: SourceProfileName,>
<SourceProfile: SourceProfileName,> is the PushProfileID of the default push profile. A default push profile does not contain this attribute. A custom push profile always points to the PushProfileID of the default push profile used to create the custom profile.
ColOp is an array of data types and the operations that can be pushed to the remote database for a specified data type. For a disabled data type, none of the expressions/operations are pushed. When a default is used in ColOp, the expressions/operations are pushed to the remote system for all supported data types.
Data types and operations supported by a corresponding Teradata system version are listed using true/false. True means an operation on a data type can be pushed to a remote database. You can override the default for a data type if a data type is specified.
"default":true, "array":false,
"date":true, "char":true, "varchar":true,
Attribute | Setting |
Data type | TRUE: When a data type has a true flag, the operation on the data type is pushed to the remote system. FALSE: No operation on this data type is pushed to the remote system. |
Operation | TRUE: When an operation on any data type has a true flag, the operation is pushed to the remote system. FALSE: The operation on any data type is not pushed to the remote system for any data type. Example operations are:
"ColOp" : [ { "default" : true, "date" : false, "CompareOp" : { "default" : true }, "LogicalOp" : { "default" : true, "OR" : false }, "ArithOp" : { "default" : true } } ],
GroupOp is the name of a group containing similar operations. When the GroupOp default is used, the default applies to all operations in the group. The value is either TRUE or FALSE.
The following applies when a group of similar operations such as JoinOp or AggrOp are listed under GroupOp, and the value is set to TRUE or FALSE:
TRUE: The operation is pushed to the remote system.
FALSE: The operation is not be pushed to the remote system.
"JoinOp" : { "inner" : true, "outer" : false }, "AggrOp" : { "count" : true, "sum" : true }
Within a group, if the default push profile supports the operation, you can override the default by specifying a specific operation (Op).
Attribute | Setting |
doSingleTblDelayedFetch | Enables and disables delayed fetch processing for single remote table clustered query. The default value is FALSE. FALSE: Delayed fetch is disabled for single table clustering and only static planning applies. TRUE: Delayed fetch is enabled for single table clustered query. Changing the default is not recommended. |
doCluster | Controls whether to push or not to push aggregation and predicates to the remote system. The default value is TRUE. TRUE: Push aggregation and predicates to the remote system. FALSE: Do not push aggregations and predicates to the remote system. If the processing power of the remote system is not optimal, the recommendation is to set this to FALSE. Contact your Teradata Customer Support Representative for assistance with custom push profiles and overrides. |
doMultiTblClustering | Controls whether multiple remote tables are joined at the remote system or imported to the local system and joined at the local system. The default value is TRUE. TRUE: Enable remote join for clustered remote tables. FALSE: Disable remote join for clustered remote tables. This implies that tables are imported to the local system and joined at the local system. If the processing power of the remote system is not optimal, the recommendation is to set this to FALSE. Contact your Teradata Customer Support Representative for assistance with custom push profiles and overrides. |
doRemoteJoin | Controls whether remote join is enabled or not; such as., if the exporting of a local table and join remote table on the target system is allowed or not. Default value is TRUE. TRUE: Enables exporting a table from a local system and performing a join with a table on the remote system. FALSE: Disables remote join. A table is not be exported to a remote system for a remote join. Joins are performed on the local system. If the processing power of the remote system is not optimal, and the cost of an export to the remote system and a join on the remote system is higher, Teradata recommends updating the cost adjustments of import and export.
The following attributes are applicable only when doRemoteJoin is set to TRUE:
importCostAdj | Cost of importing one remote table of size ONE unit.
This attribute applies only when doRemoteJoin is set to TRUE: The importCostAdj and exportCostAdj factors are relative to each other.
exportCostAdj | Cost of exporting one local table of size ONE unit.
This attribute applies only when doRemoteJoin is set to TRUE: The importCostAdj and exportCostAdj factors are relative to each other.
remJoinTransAdj | Specifies the cost of performing a remote join and importing the result. Do not change the default of 0. This factor is accounted for in exportCostAdj. |
delayedFetchThresh | Specifies the minimum size of a remote table in order to perform a delayed fetch. The following applies with a delayed fetch:
If the value is set to zero, delayed fetch is disabled and the temporary (result) table is exported to the local system to perform the join.
TableProfile allows you to override a custom push profile at the table level. Use when a set of table operations on a remote system are not performing according to expectations. Contact your Teradata Customer Support Representative for assistance with custom push profiles and overrides.