USING introduces the name value pair that provides server definition information. You can create a foreign server without a USING clause, but users cannot query a foreign server until you complete the server definition with an import operator and an export operator.
The name value pair or pairs define the properties of the foreign server. The name value pairs are defined in the QueryGrid portlet. You can create separate named link configurations for unique sets of properties and you can create different versions of the links. For more information, see Teradata Connector and Link Properties.
After defining the properties in the QueryGrid portlet, use the External Name Value pairs (LINK and VERSION) with the USING clause of CREATE FOREIGN SERVER to associate the name value pair with the foreign server.
The link name value pair is required to create a functioning foreign server object. Version is optional. Additional optional name value pairs may be required to create a foreign server for a specific implementation.
- link
- A named configuration that references an initiating connector, a target connector, a communication policy, and defines the connector properties to use.
- version
- The version of the link to use.
You can also specify a subquery that returns a single row. Only one subquery is allowed for each name. The subquery must return only one row and the WHERE clause of the subquery must reference a unique primary index or unique secondary index. System variables and Using parameters are allowed in the WHERE clause of the subquery. The row can have multiple values (columns) but all values must be the same data type.
You can specify a system variable as a value.
You can specify a using parameter as a value.