Example: Teradata to Presto HELP FOREIGN SERVER
The example fetches the schema (databases) from the catalog associated with the server.
help foreign server QG_Presto1;
Databases -------------------- default information_schema finance marketing
Example: Teradata to Presto HELP FOREIGN DATABASE
The example fetches the tables from the specified database.
help foreign database "default"@QG_Presto1;
Tables --------------------- buses ca120453 jing_part_tab1 prama_part_tab1 tbig_1row web_sales_part1_orc
Example: Teradata to Presto HELP FOREIGN TABLE
The example fetches the column information of the specified table.
HELP FOREIGN TABLE can be run with or without the database or schema name specified. When the database name is not provided in the query, the currently logged on database or the connector default is used.
help foreign table tbig_1row@QG_Presto1;
Column | Type | Comment ————-——-----+—————-----+————- id | bigint | firstname | varchar | lastname | varchar | gender | varchar | age | bigint |
Example: Teradata to Teradata HELP FOREIGN FUNCTION
The example fetches information about the specified foreign function.
help foreign function syslib.MonitorQueryBand@td1 ;
Parameter Name HostId Type I2 Comment ? Nullable Y Format -(5)9 Max Length 2 Decimal Total Digits ? Decimal Fractional Digits ? Table/View? F Char Type ? Parameter Type I UDT Name ? Parameter Dictionary Name HostId Parameter SQL Name HostId Parameter Name UEscape ? UDT Dictionary Name ? UDT SQL Name ? UDT Name UEscape ? Inline Length ? Parameter Name SessionNo Type I Comment ? Nullable Y Format -(10)9 Max Length 4 Decimal Total Digits ? Decimal Fractional Digits ? Table/View? F Char Type ? Parameter Type I UDT Name ? Parameter Dictionary Name SessionNo Parameter SQL Name SessionNo Parameter Name UEscape ? UDT Dictionary Name ? UDT SQL Name ? UDT Name UEscape ? Inline Length ? Parameter Name RunVProcNo Type I2 Comment ? Nullable Y Format -(5)9 Max Length 2 Decimal Total Digits ? Decimal Fractional Digits ? Table/View? F Char Type ? Parameter Type I UDT Name ? Parameter Dictionary Name RunVProcNo Parameter SQL Name RunVProcNo Parameter Name UEscape ? UDT Dictionary Name ? UDT SQL Name ? UDT Name UEscape ? Inline Length ? Parameter Name RETURN0 Type CV Comment ? Nullable Y Format X(12304) Max Length 24,608 Decimal Total Digits ? Decimal Fractional Digits ? Table/View? F Char Type 2 Parameter Type O UDT Name ? Parameter Dictionary Name RETURN0 Parameter SQL Name RETURN0 Parameter Name UEscape ? UDT Dictionary Name ? UDT SQL Name ? UDT Name UEscape ? Inline Length ?