SERVER server_name
The name of the foreign server. Displays the databases in the foreign server.
DATABASE db_name@server_name
The name of the remote database, qualified with the name of the foreign server. Displays the tables in the database.
TABLE db_name.table_name@server_name
The name of the remote table, qualified with the name of the foreign server. Displays the column names, data type, and other attributes.
HELP FOREIGN TABLE can be executed with or without the database or schema name (db_name) specified. When the database name is not provided in the query, the currently logged on database or the connector default is used.
FUNCTION db_name.ForeignFunction@server_name
The name of the function on the remote database, qualified with the name of the remote server. Displays the details of the foreign function available on the remote server. For example, the statement may return the function parameters, their types, and other attributes.