Starting with QueryGrid version 2.11, support of automated deployment of QueryGrid on scalable clusters has been added. With automatic deployment, QueryGrid software is installed and new nodes are registered with the QueryGrid Manager automatically. This feature is part of a different package/script named TDQG_DEPLOYMENT, which is part of the node package.
This feature is available for the following clusters:
- Automatically Deploy QueryGrid on Hortonworks HDP
- Automatically Deploy QueryGrid on Cloudera CDH/CDP
- Automatically Deploy QueryGrid on Azure HDInsight
- Automatically Deploy QueryGrid on Amazon EMR
- Automatically Deploy QueryGrid on Google Cloud Instance Group
- Automatically Deploy QueryGrid on Google Cloud Dataproc
- Automatically Deploy QueryGrid on Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set
- Automatically Deploy QueryGrid on AWS Auto Scaling Group
- Automatically Deploy QueryGrid on Presto on AWS CFT
- Automatically Deploy QueryGrid on Presto on Kubernetes (GKE or AKS)
Automatic Deployment Considerations
- Removing a node from a cluster or removing the QueryGrid service from a node does not remove the entry from Viewpoint. You must remove the entry manually, or make use of the automatic node removal feature if enabled.
- Restarting the QueryGrid service restarts the node and might impact the active QueryGrid queries. This does not apply to HDInsight.
- Automatic deployment is intended for registering a node with QueryGrid Manager. It cannot be used to upgrade or downgrade the QueryGrid software.
- Automatic deployment does not support adding a single node to multiple QueryGrid Managers.