Script actions are custom scripts that can be called to customize the HDInsight cluster. These scripts are used to install additional components and change configuration settings. The script must be stored on a URI that is accessible from the HDInsight cluster. For compatibility information on QueryGrid components, see the QueryGrid Compatibility Matrix.
The required script,, is packaged in the node package tdqg-node-version.tar.gz.
- You have required privileges to provision the HDInsight cluster and scripts stored at a location accessible from HDInsight cluster.
- The cURL tool is installed on all nodes where you intend to install QueryGrid.
- Add a system and download the tdqg-node.json token file that was generated by QueryGrid Manager to the QueryGrid service.For information about downloading tdqg-node.json, see Adding Nodes Manually.
- Do one of the following:
Option Action Install QueryGridâ„¢ on Azure HDInsight - Download the node package.
For more information, see Downloading Required Packages.
- Unzip the package:
tar -xvzf tdqg-node-version.tar.gz
The script file is available in the path qgdeployment/hdinsight, named
- Upload the QueryGrid deployment script to Azure Blob (or to any path accessible from HDInsight cluster).
- [Optional] Upload the tdqg_node.json file to Azure Blob or to any path accessible from the HDInsight cluster.
- Create the custom script action for TDQG_DEPLOYMENT and provide the URI as the link to the, then provide a name for the script action.
For more information, see
- Provide the input parameter to the script in one of the following formats:
- Path: --tdqg_node_json_file 'path to tdqg-node.json'
- Text: --tdqg_node_json_file 'tdqg-node.json' file content
- Use the Persist this script action entry to make sure the script is applied during scaling operations and QueryGrid is automatically installed on new nodes.
Install QueryGrid on an existing node - Manually run the script action.
For more information, see
Script actions run as the last step in cluster creation. After the script action is successfully completed, you can check the history from Script Action History for the output and error logs.
- [Optional] In the case of errors, rerun the script action.
Install QueryGrid on a new node automatically - While creating the script action, select the persist action.
- Download the node package.