This procedure creates a custom service named QueryGrid that helps with installation of QueryGrid software on Hadoop nodes. This service is similar to other services, such as HDFS and HBase. For compatibility information on QueryGrid components, see the QueryGrid Compatibility Matrix.
The QueryGrid service is packaged as a tar file named TDQG_DEPLOYMENT-version.tar.gz that is part of the node package tdqg-node.tar.gz.
- You have required privileges to copy scripts to the Ambari server.
- You have required privileges to restart the Ambari Server.
- The cURL tool is installed on all nodes where you intend to install QueryGrid.
- Add a system and download the tdqg-node.json token file that was generated by QueryGrid Manager to the QueryGrid service.For information about downloading tdqg-node.json, see Adding Nodes Manually.
- Install the QueryGrid service on Ambari:
- Download the node package, then select the node component from the software package to the Ambari server (typically the HDP master).For more information, see Downloading Required Packages.
- Unzip the package:tar -xvzf tdqg-node-version.tar.gz
- In qgdeployment/ambari, locate TDQG_DEPLOYMENT.tar.gz.
- Unzip the TDQG_DEPLOYMENT package:tar -xvzf TDQG_DEPLOYMENT.tar.gz
- Copy the folder TDQG_DEPLOYMENT to the stacks on the Ambari server.The default path on the server is:
cp -r /path_to_TDQG_DEPLOYMENT_folder /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/HDP/hdp-version/services
- Change access privileges:chmod -R +x /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/HDP/hdp-version/services/TDQG_DEPLOYMENT/*
- Restart the Ambari server:ambari-server restart
After the Ambari server is restarted, QueryGrid is available as a service named QueryGrid.
- From the Ambari Web UI, select Add Service, then add the QueryGrid service to the master and data nodes.
- In the input parameter text, provide the complete text of the token file tdqg-node.json.The token file tdqg-node.json is in advanced qgconfig.
- Download the node package, then select the node component from the software package to the Ambari server (typically the HDP master).
- Do one of the following:
Option Action Install QueryGrid on existing nodes - From the Ambari Web UI, select Hosts.
- Select any node on which you want to install the QueryGrid service.
- Select
, then from the list of available services, select QueryGrid.
QueryGrid appears in the list of installed services.
Install QueryGrid on a new node - From the Ambari Web UI, select Hosts.
- Select
For more information, see
. - In the Assign Slaves and Clients list, select QueryGrid.