Presto on Kubernetes (GKE or AKS) | QueryGrid - Automatically Deploy QueryGrid on Presto on Kubernetes (GKE or AKS) - Teradata QueryGrid

QueryGridâ„¢ Installation and User Guide - 3.06

Teradata QueryGrid
Release Number
December 2024
Product Category
Analytical Ecosystem
To deploy QueryGrid on Presto on Kubernetes running on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) or Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), you must add a tdqg-node pod on every Kubernetes node in the cluster.
This procedure assumes the following prerequisites:
  • A Kubernetes cluster has already been created or running.
  • The Kubernetes cluster has enough resources to run a QueryGrid Presto node pod. The following are the minimum requirements for QueryGrid Presto node pod on AKS/GKS:
    • 4 GB RAM Number of CPU - 1
  • The kubectl version is identical to the kubernetes cluster version.
  • The helm version is 3.2.4 or later.
  1. Download the tdqg-presto-k8s-deploy package, see Downloading Required Packages for more information.
  2. If needed, upload the QueryGrid docker images to the cloud docker image by doing the following:
    • Unzip the tdqg-presto-k8s-deploy package and retrieve the following:
      • tdqg-node_version.tar.gz and tdqg-init-presto_version under docker-images folder
      • tdqg-presto-node-chart-version.tar.gz
    • Upload the two docker images under the docker-images folder to the cloud container image repository/registry by following the Azure or Google Cloud documentation as appropriate. This may involve the following tasks:
      • Installing Docker on your workstation
      • Loading the image
      • Tagging and pushing the image to the cloud repository
  3. Unzip tdqg-presto-node-chart-version.tar.gz.
  4. Update values.yaml under tdqg-presto-node folder to to include the path for tdqg-init-presto and tdqg-node docker image as in the following GKE and AKS examples:
    tdqgInitPrestoVersion: latest
    tdqgNodeVersion: latest
    tdqgInitPrestoVersion: latest
    tdqgNodeVersion: latest
  5. If not using the default fabric ports for the current fabric and pending fabric upgrades, edit values.yaml to include the correct fabric ports.
  6. Create system, fabric and deploy tdqg-node pods using one of the following two options:
    Using script If you have QueryGrid Manager credentials you can use the script found in the tdqg-presto-node folder. Following are the prerequisites to run the script.
    • Make sure the system running the script can connect to QueryGrid Manager and the Kubernetes cluster.
    • Install the following dependency packages where you are running the script:
      • python-requests
      • pip3
      • logging
      • pyyaml
      • kubectl
      • helm (>=3.2.4)
      • python 3 or later
    1. In the tdqg_input.yaml input file, enter details such as the QueryGrid Manager and system information.

      The script creates a system then deploys tdqg-node pods on the Kubernetes cluster.

    2. Run the kubectl get nodes -o wide command from where you plan to run the script to make sure the Kubernetes cluster is up and running.

      Check that all nodes have a status of Ready. This is the cluster where the script deploys the QueryGrid node pods. Refer to the README file for more details.

    3. Run the script as in the following example:.

      python3 script

    Manual installation Use the manual installation is you do not have QueryGrid Manager credentials.
    1. From Viewpoint, create a QueryGrid system.
    2. From the system created by QueryGrid Manager, download the tdqg-node.json token file.
    3. Place the tdqg-node.json file directly under the tdqg-presto-node.
      $ ls /tdqg-presto-node/tdqg-node* 
    4. Deploy tdqg-node pods.
      helm install tdqg-presto-node <path_tdqg_node_pod.py_folder>
  7. Confirm that there is a tdqg-node pod running on each instance with the status of Running:
    Status Action
    Running None. A node is available in Viewpoint for each node in the kubernetes cluster.
    Not Running Run kubectl get pods -o wide to verify the pods are running.
    If the kubernetes cluster is resized, then tdqg-node pods appear on each new Kubernetes host.