When more than one QueryGrid Manager instance is installed, cluster the QueryGrid Manager instances for high availability and scalability. Clustering makes sure that all the instances have the same configuration so each instance can administer and monitor QueryGrid. Create multiple QueryGrid Manager clusters to maintain separate production and test environments.
Instances are joined by one of the following join methods:- SSH – Provide SSH credentials to access cluster seed files.
- Token – Provide token to access cluster seed files using QGM web service. If the standard SSH connectivity is disabled or not available, see Creating a Join Token on generating a join token.
- Log on to the QueryGrid Manager TMS, VM, or server to include in a cluster.
- From a console window, run the join-cluster script as root or the tdqgm user:/opt/teradata/tdqgm/bin/join-cluster.sh
- Select a join method.
Join Method ----------- 1. SSH - Provide SSH credentials to access cluster seed files 2. Token - Provide token to access cluster seed files using QGM web service Select join method [1-2]:
- Enter the hostname of an existing QueryGrid Manager instance to join; if using the token join method, specify the hostname of the QueryGrid Manager instance where the create-join-cluster-token script was run.
- Depending on the join method selected, enter one of the following:
Option Description SSH Specify the logon credentials for a user granted read permission to /etc/opt/teradata/tdqgm on that instance. Token Enter the token generated by the create-join-cluster-token script on one of the other QueryGrid Manager instances. - Enter the Data Center for this instance.By default, data source nodes communicate with QueryGrid Managers in the same data center.
- Type y at the prompt to continue with the clustering process.If you want to cluster QueryGrid Manager 3.02 or later with QueryGrid Manager version 3.00 or 3.01, clustering must be performed from the 3.02+ QueryGrid Manager to the 3.00 or 3.01 QueryGrid Manager, not the reverse direction. After clustering, a password reset or new user creation must be performed on the 3.00 or 3.01 QueryGrid Manager, not the 3.02 version.All the data on the instance that the cluster command is run from is replaced with the data from the first QueryGrid Manager instance, or the existing cluster, being joined.