Generate a join token on an existing QueryGrid Manager cluster to add a new QueryGrid Manager to the cluster instead of requiring SSH credentials. A join token is necessary to create clusters in environments where standard SSH connectivity is disabled or not available.
- Log on to one of the existing QueryGrid Manager TMS, VM, or server instances in the cluster.
- From the console window, run the following script as root or the tdqgm user:/opt/teradata/tdqgm/bin/
[root@qgm1~]#/opt/teradata/tdqgm/bin/ Starting create-join-cluster-token command, just a moment... Join cluster token created. It expires in 1 day. Join Cluster ID: f15f78ab-30d8-4e55-a3db-b75ea50850e6 Join Cluster Host: Join Cluster Token: yyyzFeBnvQlnK8jcjDwmxJrSSXFJPnuIMBdxZrEW0Rx+SxT5yQLRHlb8dkEGMHBhnBBcomWrV92s5EQd89kFbA== create-join-cluster-token command successful.
- Copy the token output and use it as input to the join-cluster command that is run from the QueryGrid Manager instance being added to the cluster.The generated token is good for 24 hours by default. Specify the -d[days] option to increase the number of days for the token to be valid.