Each QueryGrid Manager instance has a default publicAddress, bindAddress, and clusterAddress. Data source nodes, other QueryGrid Manager instances (if installed), and the fabric use these addresses to access a specific QueryGrid Manager instance.
When the first QueryGrid Manager instance starts up, it:
- Looks up the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or hostname for the TMS, VM, or server to use as the default publicAddress.
The publicAddress is the address that all data source (QueryGrid-attached) nodes use to access QueryGrid Manager. If a QueryGrid Manager has more than one hostname or address to be used by the data source nodes to access it, use the additionalPublicAddresses field to provide a comma-separated list of the hostnames or addresses.
- Resolves the publicAddress to an IP address used as its clusterAddress and bindAddress.
- The clusterAddress is the IP address that other QueryGrid Managers in the cluster use to access a specific QueryGrid Manager.
- The bindAddress is a locally bound IP address to which QueryGrid Manager internal services bind.