QueryGrid Manager provides commands for backing up and restoring the QueryGrid configuration. Because the manager provides a clustering capability that involves replication of configuration to all manager instances, it is typically unnecessary to restore from backup after a failure; provided that one manager instance is still online, the configuration is preserved. However, there are certain circumstances that may require a restore from backup:
- Recovery from a catastrophic failure where all manager instances were lost
- Cloning an existing configuration into a new cluster
When restoring from a backup, it is important to note that the manager instance being restored becomes a new manager cluster. To add existing managers to the new manager cluster, run /opt/teradata/tdqgm/bin/join-cluster.sh on each manager instance, one at a time. Wait for each instance to come online before starting the next join cluster.
You must run the command as the root or tdqgm user.
Each manager instance automatically generates a backup file once a day located in /var/opt/teradata/tdqgm/backups. Up to 7 days of backups are maintained.