The restore command is located at /opt/teradata/tdqgm/bin/ and must be run as the root or tdqgm user. The name of the backup file to restore as an argument is required.
To get help for the backup command, use the --help option:
/opt/teradata/tdqgm/bin/ --helpResult:
usage: restore [options] <backup-file> Restores the QueryGrid manager configuration from a backup file in the event of a catastrophic failure. options: -a,--public-address <address> The address other managers and nodes use to access this manager instance. -d,--data-center <name> The name of the data center to join. -f,--force Force the restore to start without requiring confirmation. -h,--help Print this message
Example: Restoring QueryGrid
To restore the system, run:
/opt/teradata/tdqgm/bin/ <backup_file> Enter public address for this manager instance [<public_address>]:
where <backup_file> is the path name of the backup ZIP file, similar to ~/ and <public_address> is the hostname or IP address of the QueryGrid Manager system; for example: or
Result (note, enter y at the prompt):
A restore from backup removes all data previously saved on this manager instance and
all local manager services are restarted. This manager instance becomes a standalone cluster.
Other managers can join this instance using the join-cluster command.
Do you wish to continue? [y/n]: y
Stopping QueryGrid Manager...
Deleting previous state...
Restoring configuration data...
Data Centers
1. San Diego
2. Las Vegas
3. Atlanta
4. Richmond
Select data center of local manager instance [1-4]: 3
Restoring tdqg-node-
Restoring tdqg-teradata-connector-1.0-224-SNAPSHOT.tar.gz...
Restoring tdqg-fabric-
Starting QueryGrid Manager...
Restore completed successfully.