If errors occur without explanation on why queries are failing, enable logging and increase the messaging count to have errors and messages collected in a support bundle. Send the support bundle to the QueryGrid Manager for troubleshooting. See Logging and Error Handling for information on enabling logging levels.
Teradata Connector
The following errors originate from the
initiating Teradata system.
Problem Description | Error Message | Solution |
Allowed OS user is not correctly configured on initiator system. | QGInitiatorExportContract: 2689: (NO UUID YET) IMeta : Unauthorized connection [user='teradata'(uid=14)] to QueryGrid Fabric. Add user to allowed OS users for connector | Update allowed OS user on initiator connector. For more information, see QueryGrid Security. |
Allowed OS user is not correctly configured on target system. | QGII: 64179: (aaab4f7a-26ce-4356-bd43-b88e059e90f8) Unauthorized connection [user='teradata'(uid=14)] to QueryGrid Fabric. Add user to allowed OS users for connector | Update allowed OS user on target connector. For more information, see QueryGrid Security. |
System memory not sufficient on initiator system. | QGII: 64179: (c4525b40-2947-407e-b091-869cb4c69545) sdt35957 : IImp : Maximum memory per node (10485760) exceeded. Increase maximum for QueryGrid system | Increase Max memory per node for initiator system. |
System memory not sufficient on target system. | QGIE: 64179: (d333ddfc-a2d8-4d43-a68a-b71c0307ef91) Maximum memory per node (10485760) exceeded. Increase maximum for QueryGrid system | Increase Max memory per node for target system. |
The (link buffer size * link buffer) count is higher than the allowed value. | QGIE: 64179: (df8f1231-dbc9-493c-937d-360ec52ae3be) sdt35957 : IExp : Requested buffer size (1000000000 bytes) exceeds the maximum allowed (16777216 bytes) | Decrease link buffer size and link buffer count on initiator connector. |
Driver not started/offline on target system or incorrect java path set. | QGIIC: 64179: (6dad7e92-f208-45a9-a036-6c592a0d2c1b) sdt35957 : IMeta : No drivers available. [sdt35958]: Unable to open connection to driver: dial unix /dev/shm/td_qg_ipc/5002/uds/TDdriver_driver.sock: connect: connection refused | Check driver status for target connector. If driver is offline, restart tdqg-node service on the node. |
Incorrect server name in target connector. | QGInitiatorExportContract: 24582: (9c7d074e-4529-4a54-a664-000000000004) ExportMeta : [Error 1000] Login failure for Connection to fakehost Thu May 10 08:45:52 PDT 2018 | Fix the server name target connector property as an IP address or DBS name of the target host. |
Table does not exist on the target system. | QGInitiatorExportContract: 3706: (9c7d074e-4529-4a54-a664-000000000004) ExportMeta : [Error 3807] Object 'testuser.temp_table_non_exist' does not exist. | Confirm that the table exists and the query has the correct reference. |
Syntax error on the target system. | QGInitiatorExportContract: 3706: (9c7d074e-4529-4a54-a664-000000000004) ExportMeta : [Error 3706] Syntax error: SELECT * must have a FROM clause. | Check the query submitted and if there is a valid syntax on target system. |
Syntax error for foreignSQL pass through. | EXECUTEFOREIGNSQL:Error: 3707 (50081586-bd87-4516-9285-000000000017) ForeignFunctionDataExec : [Error 3707] Syntax error, expected something like ‘(’ between the word ‘xx’ and ‘;’. | Check the query submitted in ExecuteForeignSQL SP and if there is a valid syntax on the target system. |
QueryGrid fastpath function, QGRemoteExport, does not exist on the target system. | QGInitiatorImport: 3706: (9c7d074e-4529-4a54-a664-000000000004) InitiatorDataImportReq : [Error 3706] Syntax error, expected something like ';' between the word 'QGRemoteExport' | Run the DIP script System Functions if the fastpath functions do not exists under TD_SYSFNLIB on the target Teradata system. |
QueryGrid fastpath function, QGRemoteImport does not exist on the target system. | QGInitiatorExport: 3706: (9c7d074e-4529-4a54-a664-000000000004) InitiatorDataExportReq : [Error 3706] Syntax error, expected something like ';' between the word 'QGRemoteImport' | Run the DIP script System Functions if the fastpath functions do not exists under TD_SYSFNLIB on the target Teradata system. |
Out of spool space on target system during data transfer. | QGInitiatorExport: 2646: (a18b6bce-ce8a-4ea0-97b3-000000000008) InitiatorDataExportReq : [Error 2646] No more spool space in testuser. | Increase the spool space for the user on the target system or reduce data set for the query. |
Error during data conversion on initiator system. | QGInitiatorImport: 1018: (341cab15-7eb7-46b2-b78d-000000000ef2) UDT transform to internal format failed | Data transformation error could be due to mismatch in data types on the initiator and target system. |
Error during data conversion on target system. | QGInitiatorExport: 40008: (6268d8db-a3c3-4b62-82bd-000000000002) Export failed. [Error 9134] QGRemoteImport: 1018: UDT transform to internal format failed | Data transformation error could be due to a mismatch in data types on the initiator and target system. |
Incorrect initiator network interface setup in link. | QGII: 64179: (9b01f021-2652-4222-a345-35585f3775ef) Failed to connect to node "sdt35957": No matching addresses found for network "ep_false_network" on node "sdt35957" | Fix initiator network interface address in link |
Incorrect target network interface setup in link. | QGIIC: 64179: (e8c402fc-2a31-4aea-b167-8b82282eb339) sdt35957 : IMeta : no drivers available. [sdt35958]: No matching addresses found for network "ep_false_network" on node "sdt35958" | Fix the target network interface address in link. |
Truncated error message while using Teradata connector as the initiator | Error message appears truncated | To see more of the error message, check that the Teradata connector property Enable Logging is set to anything other than NONE in Viewpoint. Make a note of the unique ID mentioned in the message: (for example, 4a9eafad-4d0c-4612-9dd2-00000000008b). Using that ID, check the log file on each Teradata node marked as a driver node in Viewpoint at the following path: /var/opt/Teradata/tdqg/connector/tdqg-teradata-connector/build version/log/teradata_qgc.log. One of those files should contain a line marked ERROR with the unique ID and the error message. |
Presto Connector
Problem | Error Message | Solution |
Presto-to-Teradata (P2T) query with subquery does not finish | None. | Set the session property enable_dynamic_filtering=false. If this fixes the problem, add this setting to the Presto config.properties file and restart the Presto server. |
Hive Connector
Problem | Error Message | Solution |
Unable to locate QueryGrid java classes | Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: RuntimeException org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: Error in loading storage handler.com.teradata.querygrid.qgc.hive.QGStorageHandler (state=42000,code=40000) | Check that the appropriate jars have been added to the Hive class path as described in Configuring a Non-Native Table for Hive-to-Teradata. |
Incorrect table classification | ERROR : FAILED: Execution Error, return code 1 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.DDLTask. MetaException(message:Table default.table123 failed strict managed table checks due to the following reason: Table is marked as a managed table but is not transactional.) | Check the external keyword was used when creating the non-native table as described in Configuring a Non-Native Table for Hive-to-Teradata. |
Error while Hadoop engine executes the application | ERROR : Ended Job = job_1565997625028_0046 with
errors Error: Error while processing statement: FAILED: Execution Error, return code 2 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.mr.MapRedTask OR Export failed. application_1568920044570_0016 Error while processing statement: FAILED: Execution Error, return code 2 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.tez.TezTask |
If the error message contains an application or job ID, use the Hadoop Web interface to look up logs for that particular application to find the cause of the failure. |
The parameter hive.materializedview.rewriting is not allowed | Failure 9134 QGII: 50107: (ff522b67-bcd1-4fca-b683-000000000002) Import failed. Query failed. Error while processing statement: Cannot modify hive.materializedview.rewriting at runtime. It is not in list of params that are allowed to be modified at runtime | Add hive\.materializedview\.rewriting to hive.security.authorization.sqlstd.confwhitelist.append in hive-site.xml to allow the parameter to be modified. |
Unable to add hive-loader-factory jars using ADD JAR command | Failure 9134 QGII: 50107: (6e004308-1bda-4e16-8ec8-b55f70d25086) DataExec: Import failed. Error while compiling statement: FAILED: SemanticException Cannot find class 'com.teradata.querygrid.qgc.hive.QGStorageHandler' Total elapsed time was 20 seconds. |
Add the following to the class path for the Hive connector: /opt/teradata/tdqg/connector/tdqg-hive-connector/version/lib/hive-loaderfactory-version.jar You can add the syntax in multiple ways, such as modifying HIVE_AUX_JARS_PATH. Restart Hive if necessary. |
Spark Connector
Problem | Error Message | Solution |
Spark Application Error | Error 9134 QGInitiatorImportContract: 70103: (041caf90-06a3-46b3-8a4f -00000000004e) Metadata failed. java.sql.SQLException: Error occurred while executing spark job. java.sql.SQLException: Error while running Spark Application on host: hadoop3.dummy.domain. Check QueryGrid User Guide for troubleshooting info | This message only appears when using a Spark target connector with Spark Execution Mechanism set to Spark Application. Common causes:
Determining the cause:
Accessing a non-native table for use with the Hive connector from the spark-shell. | ERROR log: error in initSerDe: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException Class com.teradata.querygrid.qgc.hive.QGSerDe not found java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Class com.teradata.querygrid.qgc.hive.QGSerDe not found | Avoid accessing non-native tables created for use by the Hive Connector when using spark-shell. See Validating a Spark SQL-to-Teradata Connector Link for information on how to create a non-native table for use with the Spark SQL connector. |