Major and minor version numbers of all packages must match, with the exception of QueryGrid Manager. Run the latest version of QueryGrid Manager, which is backwards compatible with earlier releases of QueryGrid and Viewpoint. Packages of different major and minor version numbers are incompatible.
- Go to
- Log on.
- Select Update Your Software.
- Select Database and Applications and do the following:
- Select Enterprise Applications tab.
- From Sub Category list, select QueryGrid 2.0.
- From Release list, select the applicable release.
- Select Site ID.
- Select Change Control Number.
- Select Submit.
- Select the packages to be downloaded.
- At the top of the page, in Teradata FTP/SFTP, enter the FTP directory Name.
- Select Download Selected or Download All.
- In the Download window, follow the instructions for accessing the software from the FTP/SFTP location.