Make sure that network ports are open between the QueryGrid-attached systems (data sources) and QueryGrid Manager by running curl -k https://qgm_host:9444/api from the node to check connectivity to QueryGrid Manager. Systems include the Teradata nodes, Hadoop master node, all Hadoop data nodes, Presto nodes, Oracle driver nodes, BigQuery driver nodes, and Generic JDBC driver nodes.
The following illustration and table describe the port numbers used between QueryGrid-attached systems and QueryGrid Manager in a fabric.
Port | Description |
22 |
443 |
1025/443 | One-way connection from the target Teradata driver to the target Teradata system (JDBC connection). |
1521 | One-way connection from the target Oracle driver to the target Oracle system. |
5000-5002 | Two-way connections between all QueryGrid-attached nodes; other available ports can be used, but ports 5000-5002 are recommended. When upgrading, two ports per fabric are required. |
8090 | One-way connection from the target Presto driver to the target Presto coordinator. |
8443 | One-way connection from the target Hive driver to the Apache Knox Gateway if Apache Knox Gateway is enabled on Hadoop nodes. |
9443 |
9444 | One-way HTTPS connection from QueryGrid-attached nodes to QueryGrid Manager. |
9445 | Two-way HTTPS connection between clustered QueryGrid Managers in a fabric. |
10000 | One-way connection between the target Hive driver to target Hiveserver2. |
10016 | One-way connection from the target Spark SQL driver to the target Spark Thrift Server. |
* | For Generic JDBC connector, the port required depends on the data source. Refer to your data source user guide for port requirements. |